It certainly is ‘interesting’ to see that ‘experts’, especially when they are in positions of authority, are so involved in ritualistic compliance with new beliefs. ‘The science’ is not interested in truth finding, but in creating a world of obedience.

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There are no academic degrees in common sense. It has become apparent to me that on average, the more "academic" degrees a person has, the more distant they are from reality.

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Great references, Audra - I didn't know exactly where or by whom those ideas started, but I sure was familiar with them. It's not enough that some policies are just stupid, but that so many people simply drink whatever Kool-Aid any "expert" serves them. It's become like a cult of lemmings in America, with masses chanting nonsensical progressive doctrine while following each other off cliffs. Worse, they want to drag everyone else off with them. Nice article. ZL

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Years ago I read an article on Science Daily Digest where researchers received accolades for uncovering why a 2000 oriental medicine formula worked for a specific ailment. The writer never mentioned that someone 2000 years ago figured out a therapeutic formula presumably using only human intuition. Whenever I heard 'studies or experts say' I know it is going to be a bumpy ride.

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