Nice work, Rebecca. But your example of a white person who grows up in a black neighborhood then decides to transition to a black person begs the obvious question: If America is so irredeemably racist, as claimed by many trans activists and their intersectional allies, why would any white person want to suffer the indignities and disadvantages of being black? More to the point, why aren't our institutions full of black people seeking to escape their racist prisons by identifying as whites?

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Rebecca Velo

Exactly! In fact, the *only* people who make the switch are white people passing as black (e.g., Rachel Dolezal, Jessica Krug). Unless they are masochists, clearly in their mind there's a benefit to being black.

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The reason today that a white person would want to be black is because white people are seen as oppressors and historically terrible people. Who would want to be associated with that if you believed that? If you can pass as a person of color instead of white I would speculate that those white people feel like they are relieving themselves of some if not all of that guilt by living as a person of color.

A person of color that wants to be white could possibly be the opposite. To them white people are seen as having all of the power and influence in society so, who wouldn't want to be white.

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The fact that transracialism is deemed outrageous while transgenderism must be accepted already tells you how ideologically charged all these "trans-isms" are. Fact is: You can alter your appearance all you want and tell the world you're an 18-year-old Asian boy instead of a 45-year-old Caucasian woman, but your DNA is your DNA.

If there were such a thing as transracialism, it would at least make more "sense" than transgenderism because race is not binary. The underlying idea of all "trans-isms", however, is the same: It's about giving priority to your *felt* identity as opposed to actual reality. A person's self-image becomes the absolute truth - reality doesn't matter anymore. And by accepting this premise, we are delving into very dangerous territory...

Some thoughts on transgenderism and transableism: https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/the-transableism-of-transgenderism

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I'm not an expert in this area but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the biological differences between 2 men (or women) of different races are much smaller than the differences between a man and a woman of the same race.

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Ironically enough there is a recent article by ABC I believe about how transracialism is not a real thing...or possible. Many of the reasons they use to deny the transracialist can be used for the transgenderist.

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Just when we thought things could not get any more insane... transracialism comes along. What's next... trans extra extraterrestrial beings? Will they dye their skin green to look like little men from Mars? All of this is rebellion against God.

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Just when we thought things could not get any more insane... transracialism comes along. What's next... trans extra extraterrestrial beings? Will they dye their skin green to look like little men from Mars? All of this is rebellion against God.

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Great article. But the sun lovers do it for health reasons.

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