Apr 26Liked by Haley Kennington

Note that all the supporters are democrats! As a former Democrat, I am appalled !

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Apr 27Liked by Haley Kennington

What a waste of nice art.

The content itself hardly makes any sense...except to introduce children to a community that doesn't actually care for them.

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You make a prescient point, that I've been hammering home, in recent posts:

Even though this grooming/indoctrination has the overt and distracting sexualization on display- the real and more important purpose is to shift the "norms" of kids, as early as possible. This is the primary function of the Drag queen story hour ops, as well as the pervert lgbtqFU groomers (teachers) in day cares, kindergartens and elementary schools. The children are fed the iconography, symbolism and live examples hourly and daily. When they're not in the hands of the state groomer, they're being tended by parents (theirs or those of their friends) who may embody or be sympathetic to the perversion; watching TV shows intentionally created to push the message; or on the internet/social media or being read filth like this book.

The norms of children today are being pushed HARD, in the direction of this new perverted societal orthodoxy - which is what it is. Where generations since the dawn of time had no ambiguity of what male and female were and why - Tab "A" fits into Slot "B", these last two generations and all those that follow now operate under new "Norms" - Tab "A" and Slot "B" are interchangeable - repeatedly, just because.

Why is this such an important part of the subversion - because if you can unmoor young children from historical and biological anchors - you can lead them anywhere and get them to accept ANY radical, deviant premise or ideology, especially later as adults. This is the plowing and seeding of the fields, the reaping comes in 10 to 20 years.

At that point capture is complete, because their children will grow up thinking anyone saying "boys can't be girls and girls can't be boys" are the weird, deviant perverts.

People need to wake up to the enormity of this. You find their operatives, in huge numbers, in ALL institutions, organizations and groups that are children adjacent or directly affect the health and safety of children.

They are creating the sexualized content you allow your kids to watch and listen to; they teach your kids daily; they run the community centers and afterschool programs; they fund these programs with your taxes; they vote to victimize your children (Calif. Lawmakers say buying 16, 17-year-olds for sex isn’t a felony); they allow hands on exposure to the perversion (drag queens and porn in libraries) and more.

Just around the corner is a future, where the deviance/perversion we decry today is normalized and embraced by a society, that's made-up of todays groomed children.

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Sick and twisted. I can not understand why there has not been an uproar of every American. I am watching my children's school intensely, and there have been no issues in my local school in Wales in the UK. If I see just one problem ( which my two boys 6 and 10 years old will inform me of immediately ) I will come down to that school with fire and brimstone. When it comes to children I hope that the UK does not let them down.

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Apr 26Liked by Haley Kennington

James Lindsay’s piece on the president of the ALA and her dedication to queer theory was very enlightening. I recommend the listen

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I've made this comment on a number of occasions on various posts, but I think it's worth repeating. The US is spending billions of taxpayers $ on foreign war theatres. Yet, in a sense, you've already lost as all this wokeness leads your adversaries to see the US as being weak, uncultured and immoral, to say nothing of being a laughing stock!

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