Thank you for providing context and content. I figured Butker's speech was on-point, and that the "outrage" was a nothing-burger of Systemic Wokeness whining. Seems my gut was correct!

It strikes me as a bit of a give-away that a commencement speech by an NFL kicker, at a (relatively) small college, could actually become the object of so much gnashing of teeth. The woke mob illustrates their true purpose when they act this way. To be honest, I am willing to bet most folks would know nothing of the speech were it not for the opinion police. Trolling the Globe, making sure no one shows any sign of wrong-think!

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I wish I had something profound to say that you have not already said. Thank you.

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Well said. I think there is a reason Kelce didn't speak out in support. He is already in big pharma's pocket.

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I’d like to challenge one of your notions. I’m not Christian, I don’t live in the west. But I believe Butker’s message applies to any decent person in the world who possesses basic ethical human values regardless of their race, colour or religious/spiritual beliefs. What he spoke about were his concerns about the weakening of society leading to its ultimate destruction.

A lot of what the US woke promote and force people to tolerate wouldn’t be tolerated in most parts of the world. Neither the authorities or the populace would stand for it. Singapore, a very successful Asian economy, still canes offenders for some offences. Most places don’t go that far, but still no one would put up with that nonsense. You’ve written a good summary. I didn’t really know exactly what he said, other than seeing bits and pieces on social media. I’d never even heard of him before. But thanks to you, I’m glad for your country that there are such courageous leaders there. Otherwise, sorry to say, you guys would be in trouble.

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