Oct 6, 2023Liked by Dupont Lajoie

The safest bet in the world is that those who demand others do “virtuous actions” for some grand design, NEVER do those same actions themselves. See socialists and politicians. ESG is just a corporate Marxist shell game to avoid scrutiny and engage in meaningless pandering to the strident crew of “do and know nothings.”

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by Dupont Lajoie

In top US universities, the young students clamor to get into 'consulting.' Many top students are well entrenched in neo-Marxist and post-Modernist principles from high school. Their goal is to bring this ideology into corporations. The corporations like the PR spin which allows them to do as they wish behind the curtain. What we end up with is another weapon to dissociate ourselves from one another and to associate ourselves with corporations under the banner of virtuous goals.

In an interview with Lex Fridman, economist Steve Keen said that the people of China enjoy a pretty good life, but they know there are certain things they cannot say. It is the same with Singapore where you cannot speak about the king. I thought of this and the current state of affairs in the US. We silence ourselves because we fear the loss of a job, friendship, and possible criminal prosecution. So we are no different.

On a final note, I am wondering if instead of a corporatocracy, we should form a derivative of the word cartel. The thought came from reading Jekyll Island's author reference to the Federal Reserve's formation as a cartel. Surely Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc. are talking to each other. Perhaps we have it wrong that they take marching orders from the government. It is the inverse.

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ESG is a demoralized social credit score that is antithetical to capitalism and democracy. Calculate your score here to see if you will be sent to the gulag: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score

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It is the spectacle of virtue, a way for the most unvirtous ones to appear to have high moral standard.

It is the globalist "societal" (sexuality, gender, race...) veil on the "social" (economic) issues, the postmodern "divide to conquer".

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