Nov 22, 2023Liked by Rebecca Velo

I couldn't agree more and this is such an important discussion so thank you for discussing the ultimate taboo subject. As my avatar and handle suggest, I consider my own demise every day. Not because I am morbidly obsessed with death, but because it reminds me to embrace life every day. (And, as Tucker observed, because it militates against any neuroticism I might fall into.) There is a hospice nurse on YouTube who posts videos of those who are dying (with permissions, of course). Everyone should watch her channel to see what dying actually looks like (hint: usually it's not the peaceful embrace of that long night). https://www.youtube.com/@hospicenursejulie

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Thanks for your comment and sharing that link! Yes, death is an important part of life we MUST accept and talk about more.

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Well said. I recently spoke to my classmates during a memorial service for those who had recently passed. I told them at our 45th reunion in 2028, many of us won't be here, including me. That sent gasp throughout the room. People approached me later asking if there was something wrong with me. You don't have to be sick to die and someone who is fine today can be sick and die tomorrow, not to mention the list of accidents that could claim our lives. My belief says prepare for this event by putting your faith in Christ. It doesn't make what's coming any easier but it provides hope and shows a need to be a better stronger person while we live this life we have. It is but a vapor or using the words from a song by Kansas, "all we are is dust in the wind."

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well said

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Rebecca Velo

The "worrying about children’s understanding of sex" is ideological grooming. The trans lobby wants children to be exposed to "gender confusion" so the adults can continue to say "it's natural. I knew when I was 4, so these kids know too." It's also to push a false sense of sexuality on kids so the kids can be easier to sexually exploit: the children's natural "ick" factor has been suppressed.

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