You make some excellent points. Having worked in Florida as a private tutor for over 25 yrs, serving students, parents and teachers from public, private and homeschool settings I learned a lot about current textbooks and lessons.

I disagree with you on setting Florida as the example. You may be right about history classes but DEI is still very much included in the textbooks and teachers are being indoctrinated in most colleges. At least 4 high schools in my county purchased and are delivering the The Leader in Me program from Franklin Covey. Here's an excerpt from Chapter 1 of The Leader in Me text:

Greatness is not seen as attaining a high position or accomplishing a heroic feat, but as having strong character and unique talents which MAY OR MAY NOT INCLUDE THE ABILITY TO READ, WRITE, OR USE A CALCULATOR.

In my opinion the best place for an education right now is at home, even in Florida. We need to scrap the current education system and texts and get back to basics, even for teachers. I've met quite a few grade school teachers who never understood fractions. Homeschool is the best choice. There are many options for parents, groups they can join, help they can get if needed. Give children the education they deserve.

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Jul 16
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Thank you for your thoughts, K.E.C. And yes, I agree. CRT is a great distortion of history. All on purpose.

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Jul 16
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Incredibly interesting insight. Yes, time and place. Age appropriateness is an aspect of CRT about which parents often complain. Again, thank you for your comments.

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