The evidence for the greenhouse gas effect is itself weak, let alone the absurdity that it’s the switch that controls climate. But it’s very convenient to have a clear villain, and “carbon” plays that role. My only question is what it will take to reignite the quest for real knowledge, and honestly reckon with all the failures and mistakes of our models so far.

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Wow! You’ve written a relatively short piece, but it packs a punch. I thought I knew most of it, but some interesting facts here. Many years ago I worked in the sustainability arena where we were pushing things like carbon credits, ESG, etc. I was more on the periphery so don’t pretend to have any expertise. However, my former colleagues have arrived at the same view you hold, i.e. CO2 is not the issue. We’ve noted that the focus on carbon is just a distraction to avoid doing anything about pollution of the soil, air, water, i.e. the rest of the environment.

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