This topice was the final straw for me to exit the feminist camp. Since you went to law school in CA, you might remember Gloria Allred - the designated leader for female causes by the media. Years ago, she represented a young woman who became pregnant during a summer fling she had while working at a restaurant. The restaurant was owned by the family of the other half of the fling. The young man wanted to be part of the baby's life - a big step for someone who was probably only 19. The young woman had an opportunity to go to Harvard and she was going to be damned that anyone would stop her. Gloria took to the airwaves and trashed this young man. This young woman had an opportunity to go to Harvard and how dare he ask that she give that dream up. No compromise of say, her going to Stanford, Berkeley, or UCLA was offered. It was vile. I didn't blame the young woman. At that age, you are when you are young - selfish. But to have a grown woman use her PR and legal skills to trash a young man's reputation was grotesque. While feminism suited her purpose in that case, Gloria had no problem suing a man for child support in just the scenario you describe. I remember her stating what you write, 'It is in the government's interest to ensure the child is supported. This is all ironic considering that the government has pursued policies to ensure the destruction of families, especially for those needing public services.

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Some years ago, I knew a man who was pressured and deceived into signing the form that social services routinely brings up to a woman's hospital room shortly after she gives birth - at a time when emotions are already running high. Everyone in that room is acting against the interests of the man if the baby isn't biologically his. I've read this paperwork. In my state, does NOT make a man the father. It only makes him financially responsible for the child. Too many men are pressured into signing- by the child's mother, her family, her friends, and especially by social services.

Even with a negative DNA test after the paper is signed, a lawyer in my state said it costs as much to go through the courts to get out of this financial 'arrangement' as it would cost to just pay the child support for 18 years. And even if a man wants to go to court, my state requires the mother's consent for a court-admissible DNA test. Of course, if the man is not the father or if she is unsure, the mother will never consent to the test.

DNA tests should be mandatory before any documents are signed, especially in cases where the parents are not married. The man in question shouldn't sign anything without legal representation, and if he has no representation, anything he signs should be null and void.

In some cases, the child and/or the man eventually finds out that this man isn't the biological father, and the emotional relationship between them deteriorates, with both the child and the financially responsible man being the victims. In the near future, with so many people using DNA tests out of curiosity, the truth of paternity will routinely be revealed after these documents are signed. The child discovers they have been abandoned by their true biological father - unwanted. The man loses 18 years during the prime of his life when he could have found love, married, and had his own family.

The way this extortion and emotional blackmail is carried out in my state is nothing short of criminal.

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Paternity tests are easy these days; just get one and it will disprove a false accusation.

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This statement just shows you didn't ready the entire article. Dumb bloke.

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*shrugs* DNA doesn't lie.

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You are dumb and you just keep proving it.

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