Dec 1, 2023Liked by K.E.C.

Not many people know that Thanksgiving is a made up holiday that was created during the civil war. I am indigenous & get to hear from people I normally never hear from on that holiday about how they aren't going to celebrate it. Blah, blah, blah... I straight up tell them that is too bad, but I am. And I am going to have fun! I have a family I spend time with & enjoy. Family is important to us as well especially after what we have been through historically. Maybe they should go enjoy time with their kids instead of pout on social media? If they care so much about us poor indians they can do something like support us economically by becoming a customer of our businesses. When pressed they cannot name one brand we are behind. I go to Pow Wow I don't see to many of them there, I keep an eye out for new things that are created by us so I can use my own $ to help out, that is what will save us more than not eating, getting drunk & watching sports on a Thursday. I doubt any of them are willing to go into work on that day & not get holiday pay for it if they get it off to show "solidarity". Or actually learn about us we are still around. I honestly avoid people when they post that stuff during Thanksgiving they don't care about us & just want to stroke their own ego.

Yeah the demons of women are very strong, they don't get enough attention & it is downright sexist that they don't, I wonder if that will ever change, I hope it does, it needs to. It causes huge problems in society. Sadly, most of the most awful things that have happened to me in my female existence have often been by women, and most were loud, proud, feminists. And still are to this day. I have seen them cheerlead, support and coddle for some of the biggest male predators while punishing victims. I have seen them gleefully destroy other women, if they appear to threaten them in any way shape or form, socially or professionally. I suspect that is why there is so much mediocrity in our culture right now. Despite all of the protesting women middle manage so much out there and have tremendous power. And at least in our culture have so much compared to a lot of women in this the world, but they don't bother to know this because they would have to get out of their own comfort to learn it.

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What a great comment. I am going to send it to friends. Uou are right about this self-righteous tone stroking egos. When pseudo Neo-Marxist friends would make derogatory remarks, I stayed silent. It was hard to know how to respond because the displacement and killing were real. It has only been through writing that I understood my position and could articulate it.

Your second paragraph makes me think of Harvey Weinstein. A neighbor said Weinstein would broadcast his conquests over internal office communications. I have no idea if this is true or not. But it is undeniable that female assistants knew what was going on and surely led some unsuspecting victims into his lair. I don't know why they haven't been outed for their complicity.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by K.E.C.

Yeah I spent enough time around progressives just observing them, I worked with them for years & I live around them right now, they seem me as a minority & automatically "safe", they assume a lot about me, I am happy to let them and they often tell on themselves through their social media, their behavior in the workplace and where they actually live and educate themselves and their children. Very predictable and shallow, I have learned that the hard way, but I did.

I can tell you exactly why Weinstein's support squad did nothing and probably vilified and further torture his victims, they are a big chunk the middle management in most arts, entertainment and media corporations. We see CEOs etc but we forget about all the bureaucrats that coat most layers of those industries. Same with education, medicine and so many other industries. I so wish someone would call them out they let it happen but media ain't gonna tell on themselves like that. I would not be shocked at all about him bragging about being a disgusting animal to everyone in the office. I am sure plenty of the women that worked for him helped get rid of those memos. Then showed up at a women's march & wore a pink hat later on.

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Amen, sister. You said it all.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by K.E.C.

There is a lot I can say, thanks for starting the ball rolling.

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I certainly hope you do. Peter Boghossian had a very interesting interview with Jacqueline Keeler on 'Pretendians in Academia.' Her findings weren't surprising just disgusting nonetheless. https://youtu.be/9w8QQxrtzKs?si=cBkj6ZzpL4EyH8_7

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by K.E.C.

I meet so many people like this, a few months ago I met a black "Moroccan", he tried to "educate" me on getting money from the government. Gleefully showed me his card that called him "white". They are a black nationalist group who claim they were in America before anyone else, and there for just like us natives, so I started speaking what little of my dialect with him. It definitely threw him off guard. Totally delusional but I have met a lot of people like him, I always find it funny that they claim a nation but know very little about those people, their culture, language, beliefs etc. Many of us are matrilineal, not all but many. I get a lot of questions about if I get money from the government. I don't.

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It is simply not true that Madeline Albright opined that the deaths of an estimated 500,000 Iraqi children were worth achieving US objectives. Rather, she responded to a question that contained the premise that "we've heard" that this has happened, while failing in the moment to adequately refute the "half a million" charge because she did not understand it or did not realize that it was meant seriously. She said "the price is worth it." But the actual price was nowhere near 500,000 dead kids and she knew that.

Iraqi claims of mass death under sanctions were falsified. Study data was faked. Morgues stockpiled and froze childrens' corpses, then released them for regime-organized mass funerals held in front of foreign media. All of this has since been documented in numerous papers, editorials, and magazine and news pieces. In reality it is deeply unclear how to even count the effect of sanctions because so much else was going on. But basically, it's clear that Iraqi child mortality was never anywhere near that bad.

Albright's mishandling of a press question is irrelevant and simply a propaganda technique used by the likes of Noam Chomsky. It has literally nothing to do with anything and there is no legitimate reason to even bring it up except to debunk it.

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Damn. This article made me feel some type of way. A sudden sadness, but a good sadness, if that makes sense. I know that it relates to the nursery rhyme. When I was younger I added onto the ending. The only thing I can remember is

Give me wiggly worms and fish that bite

But also let me see fireflies in the darkest night. I'm taking my great granddaughter on her first deer hunt tomorrow, maybe I'll remember the rest.

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So kind of you to post a comment. My essays are very bittersweet to write. I hope you have a wonderful trip with your granddaughter.

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