Another easy-to-understand essay on a complex subject. What do you think Lysenko's impact was on the critical theorists' adherents? There seems to be a great deal of 'intersectionality.' And how about Hegel's influence on Gramsci? On reflection, I think each of your paragraphs is worthy of its own essay.

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Thanks again for your comment.

Well, there is a lot to answer 😊

Not sure if we can say that Lysenko has impacted CT adherents but the parrelle between his (what can be called) "anti-natural" dogma and the new left woke dogma is spine-chilling.

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We could debate at length on Hegel influence on Gramsci. We could definitely call Gramsci vision of Marxism "Hegelian Marxism"

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As you mentioned, each concept/topic deserve its own essay but I gave myself some simple rules. One being circa 1200 words per article.

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I really like that the Wrongspeak Platform requires shorter essays. I am happy with the essays I re-wrote for the platform. I, unfortunately, tend to create essays that are too well-marbled with fat. The limit forces lean.

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Reading your take on Lysenko, the trans movement popped in my mind. Was it Ardono who advocated for transcending biology? Do you think such a belief system is perhaps the 'natural' outcome of their belief system where there is no divine power?

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When I wrote about Lysenko, the trans movement was in my mind. I think the new left ideology and its roots (Frankfurt School, French theory,...) Is an "anti-natural" movement. Their belief that "everything is social" ultimately put them at war against the innate i.e. biology, science, nature

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The Lysenko discussion was a concrete example of their ideology gone wrong - very profound. Through the Looking Glass is one of my favorite books. I loved the interplay between Humpty Dumpty and Alice where he declares when it comes to words and their meaning, he is the master. I thought it was funny. I wonder if the rise of linguistics influenced Marx and Neo-Marxism. I haven't looked into Wittgenstein yet but I understand his philosophy underwent a profound change.

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