Feb 22Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

I think a lot of people struggle to choose between stability and taking risks, making sacrifices to try for the life they actually want.

As an artist myself, I have occasionally felt that resentment from people whom I thought had achieved what they set out to in life.

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Yes. There was a line by Bob Dylan- I didn't know whether to duck or run, so I ran.

I seem to be attracted to the risks. I detest safe living.

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Jan 25Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

More evidence that what you have and what you accomplish do not determine your level of satisfaction & happiness. Those reside in head & heart, and are choices you make.

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Thanks for reading, Ken

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Jan 25Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

I struggled with resentment and envy in my 20s. I came at it from a very different angle than this individual but the cure for me was deeply internalizing the serenity prayer “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”.

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Jan 25Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

I agree with all you shared except for the guessing he is a conservative because of the way he is. I am a conservative because of what was instilled in me when I was young and the foundation I was given. Those values and morals I have define me, not politically. That is how society defines people politically. However, I have been homeless 3 times in my life. I have had up times and down times. Wherever I was is always due to my choices I made as is anyone else in life. We can label people all day long about why they are the way they are. It all comes down to choice. It is very simple. You can choose to be happy. You can choose to have a lot of money in a job that doesn't fulfill or find fulfillment and maybe not be rich. Which makes you happy? You can look at others instead of within and judge others because you don't want to look within. You can choose to be miserable and make those around you miserable. People make it hard by their choices. If your friend doesn't like the system, get active politically. Write his congressman and tell them what he doesn't like. Complaining just to hear yourself talk serves no one. Unless the goal is to make those around miserable. Those are the people that have to go in my life. No toxic people allowed in my space.

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Right on, John. Appreciate the comment.

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Jan 25Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

If one can at least see their lives as an adventure, there is no getting stuck, and there is little room for resentment. I know the adventure is not always fair, but that is how adventures work. 


I copied this into my quotes journal. Your essay is so good and true, thank you for sharing this wisdom.

I am reminded of my mother who, despite our rough life, found ‘adventure’ in small ways. Getting lost was an adventure she’d say (as we sat in the backseat fretting). I can be rather judgy and I don’t want to be. This read was inspiring.

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Very kind comment, Lucy. I appreciate that. Thank you for reading!

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