Heartfelt synopsis of what many of us believe. Jan Jekielek, of the Epoch Times, recently interviewed Galvin DeBecker, who wrote The Gift of Fear. As he and other historians have referenced, totalitarianism in some form seems to be the norm - humans gravitate towards it. We seem to be descending into a Hobbesian paradigm that is for now covered in kit gloves but surely one that will give way to the dystopia of Alex Huxley's Brave New World mixed with George Orwell's 1984. Republicans are just as guilty - in fact, as you note, they started it with the Iraq War. They also took the weaponization of justice to a new level by going after Clinton. I didn't listen to broadcasts on the infamous 'Blue Dress.' This was not because I had a love of Clinton, but I had a love of the country, and I knew this would open up a Pandora's Box. What we also need to discuss is the influence of entities such as McKinsey. They and their ilk run the chess games and we are the pawns to be sacrificed. Employees working for McKinsey, et al, come from elite universities, which is why there is such disdain for the rest of us. We are the great unwashed.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

I enjoyed this and I find myself in agreement with much of it. Just to open up my feedback real quick, I'd like to flashback to the inauguration of President Trump, January 20, 2017. Of those things that Trump spoke on, one part stands out among the rest, "Today, we are returning power back to the People." This is vitally important amd if utmost priority because our Founders designed this nation such that the power resides with the People. In fact, as far as power goes, the individual, the community, the state and the Federal Government is the appropriate order by which power should exist in the Inited States. So really, the individual, community and state are to be more powerful than the federal government. The last thing that our Foubders had ever considered was a top down, centralized power structure for the US. We are an experiment to see if we can find the answer to the question, "can man rule himself?" (and yes, of course, ladies, too. But in the era, obviously, the masculine form represented the whole as does foreign languages do today, ie French, Spanish & Italian). I suggest that we have definitively proven that we can rule ourselves. However, anytime there seems to be an issue, there is one common denominator: federal government.

For the 16 years prior to Trump's administration, Bush x2 and Obana x2, there had been an unending effort to centralize the federal government more and more as time went on. Under Bush, we saw the 2008 collapse which generated numerous offshoots that delved into personal financials; we saw 9/11, which had been planned for many years (we know who was behind it and what they did), which was used to curtail our constitutional rights under the Patriot Act, holding anyone indefinitely, without explanation or speedy trial, and manipulated us into supporting what seemed a rightful response to our assumed enemy which was actually nothing more than an excuse to foment war in the middle east for oil and ultimately the topplingvof Hussain because he refused to join the central bank system of money and neverending war from there. During Obama's 8 years, we saw a massive stimulus, explained away as 'Keynesian economics' that was said to jumpstart the economy with a slogan "shovel ready jobs". But virtually all of that money purchased a few billboards advertising "shovel ready jobs" and the rest expanded government and bureaucracy exponentially. We watched our Healthcare system be toppled such that no one could afford the coverage. Out of pocket costs were so high that most would never see their plans kick in. And those of us who were young just decided to pay the tax penalty as opposed to purchasing a plan. It was far less costly this way. A single trip to the dictionary out of pocket was more affordable. Obviously, there was no way to fund and sustain the ACA as it was structured. I won't delve into other concerns such as "Cash for Clunkers" and Solybdra but thosexwere huge money sucks! Beyond the ACA, the Obama administration literally and systematically dismantled the very cornerstones of this nation from Healthcare, military, banking and credit/financial reforms. It is no stretch to say that we took one hell of a battering for 16 years. And one can only trust that had Hillary been elected in 2016, things would look frightfully different today. But Trump broke the cycle. He stopped any remaining war activity. He arranged for a withdrawal that was blundered. He started no new wars. He ordered a couple of precision strikes on known terrorists who were known to be of a mind to continue war. He reversed the expansion of government . In short, he began the process of returning power back to us, the People. That effort continues.

It is very difficult to go down this rabbithole without getting into the weeds but I'm going to try to as well as wrap up shortly. I'm just going to write as though everything is as it appears. Let's say "the powers that be" - they don't like, nor do they want "clean" politicians. They want people with dirt. People with drama. They want people who, if they are not already compromised, who can be compromised. And I mean through blackmail. Our government is great about compromising politicians such that they can be blackmailed. This is their key to control. A politician may wish to vote one way but if their handler says otherwise, they must obey. This is how our government has been run. No one alive today has lived under the United States the Republic. We gave only lived under the Cirporation of the United States, which was an unconstitutional and treasonous act carried out unbeknownst to the People in 1871. Some interesting info here:


Unfortunately, this setup of the corporation tilted all favor towards government. That I can tell, Trump bankrupted the corporation in 2018 or so, which restored the Republuc of the United States. This also would have disconnected us from London Cuty and the Vatican, finally, once and for all, no longer beholden to the Crown. For real though.

Our financial system and system of money is going to change. No more endless quantitative easing(QE1, QE2...) by the Fed. which was simply printing money out of thin air, giving us inflation. Everything gwill once again be gold backed as it is supposed to be.

One final note, between two parties, one is trying desperately to expose all the corruption in government, trying to expose the real world problem of child trafficking (Republicans) and the other party is clawing desperately, trashing any who dare attempt to expose such corruption and illegalities (democrats). For what that's worth - it's worth knowing. There once was a day when we all would have united on the child sex trafficking problem but not even that can be done today everything has become so politicized. And that isn't just sad, that's absolutely pathetic. But the days will go on. Republicans will continue to shine a light on these crimes. And democrats will continue to bury, hide and trash talk any who dare bring these issues to light. I don't know that there's much more to be said here. I mean, there is a massive amount more that I could say but for the sake of time, perhaps now, a somewhat better understanding of why Trump is being so poorly treated, mischaracterized and endlessly falsely accused. They have to stop him. They need to stop him. They will go to any lengths. Trump is the spearhead of a movement that will inevitably be their undoing.

**I would like to revisit and add thoughts on 'far right' and 'far left'. These are of great interest to me.

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Your first mistake is considering GW Bush as "to the right". Of course your definition of that term may differ from mine. I would be interested in what, other than being classified as Republican, which isn't the same as conservative, makes you think he fits that description.

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Hey CC,

Thank you for your comment.

I think if you polled most people, they would consider him conservative. However, this can be subjective I think I understand where you are coming from.

I wrote about this in my Substack article “What Would It Take…for Jim to Support a Republican Candidate.


Republicans have moved towards bigger government which is counter to what true conservativism is. The reason Vivek is surging is because he his speaking at great length about stripping down or removing three letter government institutions and curb spending.

How would you define GWB, and what would you label him as?

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Just a few thoughts on your comments here regarding the Bush family. Most will likely consider the Bush family to be conservative simply because they're Texans, they live(d) in Highland Park, an upscale area of Dallas, they own(ed) a ranch in Crawford and they speak conservative language. But when you consider the nazi blood lines, once known as the Scherfs, later changing the name to Bush, their many contributions to the establishment of a new world order, now being called "the great reset", I think when this is more widely known information, the Bush family will be seen as neither Republican, nor conservative, but rather adherents to a higher command structure that seeks our total forfeiture of sovereignty to their many centuries long plan of a one world government. In light of the Bush contributions, it seems fair that most would consider them to be traitors to the US, guilty of high treason. Keep in mind all those money generating wars that benefitted the military industrial complex and the long foreshadowed and planned 9/11.

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