When the Supreme Court upheld vax mandates based on a 100-year-old case, I was perplexed. A quick search of where Mass. v. Jacobson blew my mind. It was the precedent used to uphold the sterilization of the poor whites of European descent flooding the shores of the US. (The concepts were exported to Germany where they sought to perfect them under Hitler.) It was created by Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, and promoted by wealthy elites and intellectuals including Margaret Sanger. Sanger persuaded Black ministers and intellectuals, like W.E.B. Dubois, that it was the best thing to advance their communities. So the savior game has been going on for quite some time.
And there is also the Flexner Report created by a relative of Rockefeller at his direction. The stated mission was to upgrade medical schools' standards; the result was the closure of schools catering to women and Black Americans.
Leftism is solipsism, and produces a perverse sort of grandiosity: the instinctive belief that other peoples’ bad behavior, like other peoples’ suffering, is somehow one’s own responsibility. It is co-dependency writ large, akin to the sad attempt of the child of an alcoholic to gain control of his miserable and chaotic situation: “daddy drinks because I’m bad.” This explains the Leftist attraction to foreign dictators of a certain stripe: those who hate one’s own country validate their grandiosity, and must be honored for it. It explains the Leftist habit of rationalizing the behavior of terrorists, as being somehow a legitimate response to something we have done. For Leftists –to cite a classic example-- when it comes to the situation in the Middle East, American support for Israel is our Original Sin. Their solipsism also explains the peculiar selectivity of Leftist moral indignation: only those causes that service the pathology are worthy of consideration.
I believe it’s more than just rationalization by the left—it’s cognitive dissonance. Witness their support of Hamas, who would gladly kill them for their support of homosexuality, atheism, & gender ideology.
Terrific article, Mr. Charles. I don't necessarily agree with all your stated views, but your insight into the White Savior Complex is spot-on. Well written and eye-opening. ZL
This rings true of the UK as well. DEI has infected all of our institutions, including QT+ policy which is threatening women’s safety, dignity & legal standing.
When the Supreme Court upheld vax mandates based on a 100-year-old case, I was perplexed. A quick search of where Mass. v. Jacobson blew my mind. It was the precedent used to uphold the sterilization of the poor whites of European descent flooding the shores of the US. (The concepts were exported to Germany where they sought to perfect them under Hitler.) It was created by Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, and promoted by wealthy elites and intellectuals including Margaret Sanger. Sanger persuaded Black ministers and intellectuals, like W.E.B. Dubois, that it was the best thing to advance their communities. So the savior game has been going on for quite some time.
And there is also the Flexner Report created by a relative of Rockefeller at his direction. The stated mission was to upgrade medical schools' standards; the result was the closure of schools catering to women and Black Americans.
Leftism is solipsism, and produces a perverse sort of grandiosity: the instinctive belief that other peoples’ bad behavior, like other peoples’ suffering, is somehow one’s own responsibility. It is co-dependency writ large, akin to the sad attempt of the child of an alcoholic to gain control of his miserable and chaotic situation: “daddy drinks because I’m bad.” This explains the Leftist attraction to foreign dictators of a certain stripe: those who hate one’s own country validate their grandiosity, and must be honored for it. It explains the Leftist habit of rationalizing the behavior of terrorists, as being somehow a legitimate response to something we have done. For Leftists –to cite a classic example-- when it comes to the situation in the Middle East, American support for Israel is our Original Sin. Their solipsism also explains the peculiar selectivity of Leftist moral indignation: only those causes that service the pathology are worthy of consideration.
I believe it’s more than just rationalization by the left—it’s cognitive dissonance. Witness their support of Hamas, who would gladly kill them for their support of homosexuality, atheism, & gender ideology.
Yes. And I just cannot get my head around that dissonance.
Well written.
Well written article very interesting
Terrific article, Mr. Charles. I don't necessarily agree with all your stated views, but your insight into the White Savior Complex is spot-on. Well written and eye-opening. ZL
This rings true of the UK as well. DEI has infected all of our institutions, including QT+ policy which is threatening women’s safety, dignity & legal standing.