The UN has done nothing to stop the ongoing genocide of Christian Armenians in Artsakh by Azerbaijan, even though the violence was occurring during its meeting in NYC: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/artsakh-christian-armenian-genocide-azerbaijan

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Stop Genocide on Hungarians in Ukraine and Romania and all Hungrians around the present dissected Hungary !!!!

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Please. Enough with the Neo-Con/CIA bullshit. The conflict began long ago because the racist

government in Kiev engaged in ethnic cleansing killing 20,000 Russian-Ukrainians in the Donbas.

This went on for seven long years while the collective West remained silent and therefore

complicit. LEARN before you write

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The conflict started way before 2020. It started with a US enabled coup in 2014, followed by years of Ukraines shelling of the Donbas and the deaths of many thousands of ethnic Russian Ukrainians. The nationalists in the Ukrainian government were about to escalate their killing spree but were interrupted by the Russian intervention.

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Igniting 3rd World War……..😡

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