Thank you for what you do. Rape is next to murder in its depravity. Or maybe it’s worse, because suffering continues afterwards.

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If this is to be fixed, people first must grasp what the “this” is that requires fixing.

Across the declining West today it has become mandatory to reject the concept of womanhood. We are supposed, in some jurisdictions required, on pain of loss of freedom or employment, to accept the lie that a man in a dress is a “woman.” In America, significant departments and organizations are “proud” that such a person - a mentally ill person by definition - leads those organizations and departments. We have a Justice of SCOTUS who states, under oath, that SHE is unable to define what a woman is, and girls of all ages sacrificing their childhood to excel at a sport, success in which will be denied by some man-in-a-dress. We have gone so far as to use ridiculously absurd phrases such as “birthing person” and “chest feeding” in our linguistic, thought and legal codes to replace/reject women.

Until we return to common sense and the understanding that a woman is an adult human female of inestimable and irreplaceable value to humanity, the idea this society will care about harm done to women - persons society rejects by refusing to define - is fantasy.

And we won’t return to a species-old understanding and acceptance of womanhood until women cease bloc-voting for the party demanding those same women don’t even exist.

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The problem of proof of rape or sexual assault is different in a nation like Israel, where there is an incentive to establish objective truth, and Islamist regimes where women are second-class citizens at best, or either booty to plunder or slaves at worst. If the authorities have an incentive to establish the fact of whether a rape did or did not occur, and the victim is cooperating with the authorities, a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) exam will yield both DNA evidence (to establish penetration and the identity of the perpetrator) and evidence of injuries (to negate a defense of consent). As a prosecutor who has tried numerous sexual assault cases, I have found SANE exams, combined with the testimonies of the victim and those who interviewed her (or him) shortly after the assault, such as the SANE examiner and police officer(s), to be invaluable. In a regime that has a vested interest in covering up the crime, I don't know, as I have never had the misfortune of practicing law in such a regime, though I have appeared before hostile judges.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 13, 2023
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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Author

Hi Robert, No, what I meant is that on the one hand, now that Israel has been attacked, they created the narrative that Hamas = ISIS (or even worse some said). However, they never recognized the evils ISIS committed against the Yazidis (when it was not about their own people). That where the competitive victimhood comes in. And, as well, the identification I mentioned. Second; when you don't recognize genocide against the Yazidis hiding behind the idea the UN didn't, but now blame the UN for not recognizing the violence committed against your own people, that also has to do with identification.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Author

Sometimes we find it difficult to think outside of the box. Doesn't mean that journalists should not ask our readers to try to do so and provide information you would perhaps not read elsewhere.

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