What is a huge problem is the money made off of this system. My dad headed a graduate school of social work. Demands were high and expected pay low. People did it because they wanted to improve people's lives. About 20 years ago, I heard a non-profit exec on NPR argue employees (especially the top officials) needed to make similar $$ as for-profit businesses to attract the best talent. At the time I thought it made sense. Now I get the problem. Need meets greed. Capital found a way to make money off of human misery. LA's draconian housing regulations - offered to build affordable housing - pushes small developers out. To recoup investments, developers build luxury. I know this because I was dealing with LA's building and safety when a hefty new tax on buildings went into effect and my plan checker and I would discuss this.

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Apr 23Liked by Philip O'Reilly

My daughter lives in St Jerome, comparatively speaking its nothing close to Montreal. As for solving this problem, I liken it to a devils brew. Alcohol, Drugs including Marijuana all the way up the ladder to Heroine and Fentanyl, and throw in everything in between.

Then add to the above ,the ease of acquiring any of the above substances. Mingle that with an education system that is having a hard time to educate children, to prepare them for the working world, additionally we have some parents that are not able to cope or guide their children in

The inability to gain employment, or stay employed, are being held at the lower income bracket.

If we combine the judicial system and mental health sectors of society we have another combination that probably has an impact on the situation as well.

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