Like Philip O'Reilly, my article (earlier this month) was "less concerned" with the "why" (and also on the "effects" of "widespread political corruption"), but instead concentrated on the "how" the scoundrels who swear an oath to support the Constitution pull it off ("it" being ignoring or bypassing their normal constitutional parameters, with impunity).

It is always good to come at the same problem from all sides, to best pull out the evil root. Bravo.


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I'll check out your article. I agree, we have to be as thorough as possible in our combined effort to resist tyranny and foster liberty.

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Yes, that has been my goal for the past 32 years, "pursuing individual liberty and limited government, outside the election process."

Feel free to contact me anytime, "mail" [at] "PatriotCorps" [dot] "org"

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Well said Matt. Only the voters can save democracy but they need to stop taking things for granted and start paying attention.

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Thanks, Philip, but I argue voting and elections--Democracy--cannot restore our American Republic.

We are not ruled by tyrants exercising inherent power (everywhere). Instead, they may only directly exercise throughout the Union named powers implemented using necessary and proper means.

Therefore, we must instead restrict their activity accordingly. So, when they do exercise inherent power (everywhere), our real job is not to pick the most worthy candidates who may exercise unlimited powers benevolently, but instead seek to restrict their actions accordingly, by learning how they've pulled off their spectacular political coup and responding accordingly.


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An interesting overview of why corruption happens. My article earlier this week was less concerned with the why than on the effects of widespread political corruption.


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I'll check it out!

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