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Thanks, Yuri. Yup: Idiots by any other name...

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One only has to look at the FDA, where the pharma executives cycle in and out of the FDA.

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Thank you for the comment, Deb. Exactly like the ex-spooks on CNN and in technomedia...

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Thank you for writing the truth. It’s important that people understand how corrupt everything is become. I don’t know if there’s going to be a way to stop it except for a few handfuls of standup for the freedom that we cherish we only have a few short years before the UN plans on controlling the world population, so they start internally And we see what’s happening now. Good work

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Thank you for the kind words and sober observations, Crystal. The best way to fight what I call The Rise of Huxwell (https://open.substack.com/pub/qolrm/p/the-rise-of-huxwell?r=7hc45&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) is via restoration of the very things the global elite most despise: faith, family, and community.

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This essay nails it. We are living in a society with systemic cancer created by incest. As evolution holds, incest yields weak deformities. I, too, have become a tinfoil-hat person. I now reflect on the beauty of those who wrote the Constitution. I see how they understood the dangers of unchecked powers. Those protections - always fragile - have crumbled because the elite young are instructed to despise the Constitution with allegations that the founders were inherently wrong. (That Karl Marx said despicable things never enter the conversation.)The danger of CRT is that it teaches elite kids that they are intrinsically privileged - thus an expression of the Ubermensch. They willingly offer up others for sacrifice for the privilege they have. So, a poor white kid who came from poverty must be sacrificed as well under the rubric that they are privileged. "Others" must be collectively punished so they can maintain their positions.

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Thank you, K.E. Yes, our culture of incestuous entitlement and polytheistic narcissism can only express itself as nihilistic class warfare.

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My kid became a huge fan of 'Continental Philosophy' and the Frankfurt bunch. I associated both words with breakfast. Thankfully old recorded lectures enlightened me. Interviews with Marcuse are chilling. When he reveled in the financial prosperity one of their members secured for the group, I thought about the timing. I assume those profits were made during WWII thus money from the deaths of others. In The Mechanical Bride, Gertrude Stein is quoted making fun of the American GIs as they seemed to have sold their individuality because of advertising and, fortunately, in Europe, they were saved from this happening because of the war. Again, I thought of the timing. She was a gay Jewish woman. How did she survive the War and how in the world could she say such a callous thing in the backdrop of the intended elimination of Jews and other despicables?

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Yes, clearly sound tastier on paper than they actually taste on the plate, K.E. In her elite intellectualism Gertrude Stein -- perhaps conveniently -- forgot that it was not the American GIs who were saved by their sacrifice.

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It's for sure that age has its advantages, Jeff, the most important of which is history. Enjoy your retirement if you can.

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Thanks, Kathleen, but not to worry: I may be the most easily amused fool on the planet.

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