That is a very historical idealist version of that history. Here's a materialist one, starting with questions. Why was it that Dewey's ideas were made reality at the time? Who pushed for this? Who is destroying the public education system now?

The US was industrializing at the time. Capitalists needed a LOT of workers with a certain level of education, including some critical thinking skills. Now, they DON'T need such workers, and such thinking skills are a threat to their wealth and power. So they do everything they can to wreck the public school system, and they're doing a bang up job of it.

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Everything is upside down. Our elected officials have no desire to lose union donations so the system chugs along swiftly on the tracks to hell. There are a great deal of examples of school systems that work throughout the world but our government thinks the best way to fix our education issues are to make up new ways to come up with 2x2=4. Even though the system is broken and corrupt, parents are oblivious to these issues. They are not involved with their children's education and any issues the child has is the fault of the teachers. The teachers barely get the support they need from their administers. I know this and more because my wife is an elementary school teacher. The system doesn't care if they learn anything, just keep pushing them through.

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Yes. And bullying is endemic.

The school system is organized as a hierarchy of control and bullying is part of such a system. Substacker Donald Jeffries wrote about that in a book, "Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places, and Society at Large "

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The public education system is literally a sewer . These children can’t even grasp basic comprehension skills in mathematics, reading or history . Union thugs full of bigotry and ignorance. A complete failure.

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