It is a secret of Polichinelle, that is, an open secret, that the progressive Left of the Western civilization… or what passes for civilization in these troubled times… has a woman problem. One need only tune into the discourse surrounding the 2024 Summer Olympics to feel the pulse of that misogyny. But as a life-long rock-ribbed conservative woman, my concern is not with correcting the Left. They can go their own gait and dree their own weird; I’m not associated with them save for a brief undercover stint when I was in college and trying to immerse myself in the politics and tactics of the left so that I could be a stronger and wiser conservative.
I’m concerned with the ways in which my own political and social movement is acting just like my beloved Boston Red Sox: performing spectacularly right up until the playoffs, and then just as spectacularly, never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
While I despise the “repeal the 19th” and “redpill” crowds on the far right, I think them beneath contempt, and not worth my limited emotional and mental energy. I don’t think anyone takes them seriously; they are just young roosters learning to crow. What I am concerned about is when well-loved and well-respected right-wing commentators pick up the weapons used against us women by the Left, and likewise, employ them.
A couple of weeks back, Andrew Klavan said on his show that only women who listened to their men, their husbands, would be able to discern the truth from the lies that are flying all around us in this current political shit show.
Ever since it became evident that Kamala Harris was to be the nominee, the leftist media (but I repeat myself) has been sending out a non-stop blitz of emotional manipulations aimed at women, telling us that we must vote for her because she is a woman and that if we don’t, we are betraying womanhood. And even if we are just too ignorant to vote for her, we must not speak a word against her, because our daughters are listening.
The implication is that we women are just too stupid to have informed opinions about border policy, foreign policy, the economy, and education, and are therefore incapable of making an informed decision about whom we shall and shall not vote for. And that women have no moral compass to discern that a woman who has made the choices that VP Harris has made is not someone we want our daughters to take for a role model. Those lies did not work on me in 2016, and they do not work on me now.
I am well used to those arguments from the Left; I spent enough time undercover listening to those arguments to have developed an immunity. But to hear it from Andrew Klavan, a commentator I love and admire, caused me physical pain in my gut and in my heart.
I do not need a man to tell me who would be a better leader for our country. I have two choices: the man who got right back up after being nearly shot dead, the man who puts the fear of God into foreign leaders like Putin, the man who stands for and with Israel, and a cackling witch chuckle-headed weathervane who says whatever she thinks will get her elected.
I don’t need a man to tell me that I want Trump standing between me and the politicians who are pushing gender ideology in our schools. I don’t need a man to tell me that I want Trump keeping our country out of war so that I don’t have to dread sending my two boys overseas, the way my great-grandmother did in WWII, to be killed. I don’t need a man to tell me that I want a President who stands for and with Israel because if Israel falls, the West falls.
Fellow conservatives, we can’t play these stupid gender games. If we were in peacetime, it would be one thing, and I would just laugh and shrug it off, look up at the ceiling for aid, and sigh, “MEN!” But we aren’t. And saying things like this hurts us, as conservatives.
I am a lifelong conservative and I’m not going anywhere. But so many women like me, scholars and intellectuals and writers and thinkers, might defect to the conservative side if we as conservatives started speaking to them as though they are adults with brains, wombs, and hearts ALL in the same body (imagine that). There are wise and brilliant women on the Left who are cheering for us and want us to succeed, and we won’t if we continue to demonize and demoralize our own. We will lose, and we will choke as spectacularly as the Red Sox in the playoffs, and we will get exactly what we deserve: a Kamala Harris presidency.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
I will never forget the Hillary surrogate Madeleine Albright dictating to women they will vote for Hillary or burn in Hell. Then there's the idiots on the other side who condescend with "follow your man" and "get off the plantation," implying the only ones with the intelligence to make informed decisions and not be misled are pale males. The election is theirs to lose and they're repeating the same stupid stuff as last time, speculating about the motivation in Harris's sex life from decades back. We're not back in the 50's. GO AFTER HER POLICIES. This should be easy.
I 100% agree. I'm a woman from the left side who can no longer support the left in any way. I felt proud standing beside my conservative brothers and sisters fighting covid overreach, trans ideology in schools, open border policies. I now feel things shifting on the right, a pulling in of the ranks, more close mindedness. I'm not the only formerly liberal woman noticing this. Please my conservative friends don't forget the nature of evil we are fighting. An apt analogy comes from the Lord of the Rings. Maybe the Elves and the Dwarfs have their differences but we must stand together to defeat the Dark Lord. We can argue about the other stuff later.