If being queer is “whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant.” Then being conservative in a city like Seattle or Portland or SF is the ultimate of queer.

As well, being Queer allows the basic, middle of the road, white-bread suburbanite kid to claim the all important mythical victim status. Which is a nice trick.+

The unending revolution is baked into the cake of Marxism. It's a dialectic struggle all the way down, never ceasing. Progressives: Always progressing, never arriving.

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I think that in order to be queer, you do have to change yourself. You need to uglify yourself, preferably with nose rings and ugly tattoos. Oh, and day-glo colored hair that is unevenly cut.

This is because The Marxist Left (and all queers are Marxists, oddly enough!) is continually at war with anything objectively true, beautiful, edifying and accurate. This is why "my truth" is all that matters.

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This. "There is no amount of educating yourself a person can possibly do to understand an ideology that doesn’t make sense and no amount of work you can do to appease a group of people who are determined to remain permanently outraged. You will never get it right because their sense of purpose, identity, and income depends on you getting it wrong. Their activism has no specific end goal that would have them declare victory because for identity-obsessed victims, being a part of a never-ending battle is the goal."

Indeed. Upton Sinclair is credited with saying, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

In the Victimhood Olympics, there are many people hoping to get paid and keep the gravy train rolling. Unfortunately, Pharma loot also plays a huge part in the LGPTQ agenda. The craziest scams also tend to pay the best!

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Pharma and surgery!

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Thank you for crystallizing my thoughts on this subject. Super clear and well said. I would say that many popular minority groups have discovered this concept, from radical feminists to Black Lives Matter and others. Being a victim pays too well, in too many different ways for these kinds of idealogues to give it up easily.

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No activist has ever been a proponent of equality. All “equal rights” advocates are and always have been interested only in superiority, in switching places of oppressor and oppressed. This is why no “equal rights” advocate advocates for keeping standards but broadening the universe of applicants, but instead demands alteration of standards - the definition of inequality - to allow them entrance. It’s the same in colleges, companies, the military… and it only can result is reduced efficiency, performance and ability of that organization to achieve its goals.

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Queer motto: “fuck around and find out”

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Though I’m not from or in the US, I watched the film ‘Am I Racist?’ on a recent visit there. Their premise was exactly what you say in your ending paragraphs, i.e. they always make you wrong, and you can never win with them, plus it’s a grift to a degree. Your entire analysis is very spot on.

I liked your astute comment “When being a victim is your entire identity, no longer being victimized would lead to an identity crisis” as it applies to many scenarios. For e.g. many medical doctors indoctrinated into the cult of vaccination in med school cannot bring themselves to question it as it would be like fragmenting their identity.

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Fragmenting their identity, and catching polio.

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