May 9Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

Here in the states, it just means you are now an Independent. Look at the statistics. I's are now at about 50% while D's and R's are clocking in at about 25% each. The DNC and RNC are crapping in their pants! People really have "woken up" in the best possible way! Sane, critical thinking people are realizing that they have been played/used to prop up a system that only seems to enrich the wealthy (either side). If "they" can keep us in groups, we are easier to control mentally.

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Yes. I just want to own it. Not be a victim of it. If that makes sense.

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And yes, though, what you say is true.

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Hear, hear!

Here's to free and independent thought, unbound by the constraints of affiliation!

Conservative about some things, liberal about others, and simply-don't-give-a-fuck about still more!

Manifest destiny, baby!

Love it, Jud. ZL

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May 9Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

I agree with much of what you wrote, but would like to understand your reasoning on this thought. “I think conservatism, naturally, has a bigger problem with hypocrisy.” I personally feel the liberal left exhibit much more hypocrisy when they talk about inclusion but then don’t listen and threaten those that do not agree. Thoughts?

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I would say it comes from the very ethos of "to conserve", perhaps makes it a position that is sometimes impossible to be completely loyal to. Also- religious invocation, family values can often be betrayed, I would say, easier. What you point out is hypocrisy on the left. Although, I don't consider the woke to be "liberal", quite illiberal, actually. Conservatism, conceptually, naturally, is a harder road to be consistent on. That was my take, anyways.

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May 9Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

Thank you, reasonable, I better understand your position.

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Right on, Dave.

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