We’re literally planning our own demise. Only humans seems hellbent on eradicating on eradicating one another.

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I am glad you covered this topic. I meant to watch the interview and it is good to have someone provide a primer for it.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it! Make sure you save the video at the end on your "watch later" list. It's fantastic.

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I was doing a continuing education course and an older gentleman who looked and sounded like the old colonel for KFC discussed technology. Much of it was mundane until he switched to AI. He discussed the problem of coming technology where we won't know if the answer in our head came from ourselves or was fed into us. Our inner soul is a risk of being completely erased - perhaps that is what the trans movement (transhumanist) is about - to prepare us for submitting everything to an avatar. We will be dressed up as Mr. and Ms. Potatoheads constantly changing our identity.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Haley Kennington

Making our life easier, therein lies the very problem. We’ve become the fish chasing a bright shiny lure only to find we’ve been hooked for a far more nefarious purpose. When we lose touch with our reality, then we lose touch with humanity.

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Just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD. This is senseless, why do this?

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