
"...complained she had to stay at home when her children were young ". To me that comment is part of the issue.

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May 2Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

There're many negative messages floating around our society about having children, getting married and staying together. I find many use children as an accessory. Find joy in raising children and watching and helping them explore and grow.

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I spoke with someone about this yesterday. Why do parents push their kids to go to college? Is it because parent and child agree on the college and the future it could provide the child or is the child an accessory to be showed off at cocktail parties as you brag to your friends what college your child is going to? Is having children now a box you check, then provide them with anything thing that keeps you from having to interact with them in a positive manner?

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May 7Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Yes, yes, yes and yes!!!! Cecil, yes! I would absolutely love to hear your wise words in an article that would help grandparents take a deep breath when they see their kids caving to the demands of their grandchildren. It is a fine line between meddling (and being obnoxious) and helping but I would love to hear your thoughts as a grandparent yourself. What do you see and do?

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Being a grandparent, is a different animal. It's the good, the bad and the ugly wrapped up in one. The experience for us is different because we have grandkids who live in the same city as we do and then grandkids who live out of state and out of country. Probably a good topic for down the road. Figuring out what the role of a grandparent is challenging.

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May 8Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

A humble and accurate reply. :-)

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Your reminder that teachers are not the parents has a huge barrier. The unions and other educational entities want them to be the parents. The big elephant in the room is having single-family households. Children take a great deal of energy to raise. In a single-parent home, the government parent steps in demanding fealty.

So, instead of elevating the worth of the biological realities of women, which did start to occur in the 80s, it seemed to have petered out. It is strange writing such words because my traits run more male. But perhaps that is why I now see it. A friend's daughter was working in the nursery of a very prominent Catholic girl's school. Picking up the crying babies, they would respond by wanting to be nursed. It had a profound impact on her because biological reality was hitting her in the face. Recently, a woman who also worked at a Catholic school complained she had to stay at home when her children were young because of the cost of childcare. I chimed in with the basic fact: wasn't that for the better? Sacrificing for children by devoting real time, and not materially, was lost when women were taught that their true liberation was only gained by taking up the space of men.

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Biblically this comment is not accurate. Parents make the choices. Parents are morally responsible to God for raising their children. Worldly - socially and in socialism/communism etc you are right. It’s not easy but don’t deny reality because it’s brutally hard.

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Biblically what comment is not accurate?

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May 2Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

I was addressing the commenter. We are responsible for our kids, we have a responsibility to raise them up biblically. Even if that means a change of location and lifestyle- church support when someone is a single parent.

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Agree. These threads can get confusing....

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Yeah, sure. Try providing a structured environment for your children when you're a single parent and have to work two jobs to provide for things like food, clothing, shelter and daycare. I do not want to hear about parents failing to take the time to raise their children properly when they are not GIVEN the time by the system and can receive only grossly inadequate and parsimonious help.

It's like when teachers were whining during the pandemic about seeing parents in bathrobes on Zoom classes, or claiming they aren't babysitters. Well, they ARE. That's part of the job because the system has made it that way. It's also why so many people are leaving the teaching profession.

All the while, the imperial war budget sucks up half of federal expenditures. Blaming the parents is a diversion to benefit the kleptocracy, and that's all it is most of the time.

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