My favorite of your articles so far. Much of my own writing centers on the proliferation of people following what they are TOLD they should like rather than what they DISCOVER that they like through life experience. Your focus here on consumerism is spot on, and the phenomenon extends to work habits, humanitarianism, and all politics really. Just like in the old saying, "the devil's greatest trick was convincing people that he doesn't exist" - the biggest irony about your observations is that while many in the consumer class are sheep, most don't even recognize that fact. Theirs are lives spent in blissful ignorance that their desires, tangible and otherwise, are of their own creation and are both important and righteous. Not until they choose the correct colored pill do they set themselves free. Great post. ZL

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Wow thanks a lot.

I am very grateful for such a great comment.

Not sure what to say now ☺️

Well, thanks a million, this encourages me to write more.

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