Sep 28, 2023Liked by David Sypher jr.

and it will take time to build trust between the communities and the police but it’s an endeavor worth pursuing .

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by David Sypher jr.

These are excellent recommendations and the challenge is how to communicate to the communities most impacted. Having police events that reach out to the communities is a good start. When police departments show communities a genuine interest in their concerns builds positive relationships. There’s many potential opportunities and

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A few years ago in Worthington, MN, there was a police shooting of an immigrant during a traffic stop. The tragedy was rooted in confusion (language, culture) and fear. The Mayor and police chief of this small town with a sizable immigrant population did something radical. They teamed up with the local processing plant (which employs mostly recent immigrants), elders in each of the main immigrant communities, and the churches and hosted an event in the park where police, using their police car and someone’s truck, taught attendees what to expect in a traffic stop. How to act, where to put their hands, what documents they need, and their rights. I happened to be in town and went. It was so positive and incredible to watch as these new arrivals took turns getting pulled over and shadowing the police officer with the interpreters.

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While everything you write is reasonable and logical, I suspect on this forum you are preaching to the choir. It’s a segment of the black community that needs to hear (and follow) this information. Apparently “The Talk” that black parents have with their kids says to resist arrest, fight the police, and/or run away when stopped.

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by David Sypher jr.

My kid is bi-racial (not Black) and long ago we had a discussion about how one proceeds if pulled over. Cops are very very tense now. And why wouldn't they with public officials continuously denouncing them? I have spoken to good men who are resigning from the force. I fear what type of individuals will become officers. Of course, officials have already found the solution: AI. I fear this was the plan all along.

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