Apr 25Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

Having money provides a person or family freedom and independence. All other facets of life have to come from moral character and faith (in God and ones-self). When money is handed out it does not give the recipient pride in themselves, personal respect or spark personal iniative. It only makes those reliant on the benefactor and pliable to their wishes. We have too much reliance on the government as a benefactor and and not enough on personal responsibility.

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Apr 27Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

I used to be a broke artist, working to get enough money to make art etc. but it's a shit way to live. Making art used to be a job, a trade like being a carpenter. The modern version of the artist and the art market is just, IDK... I don't see much good with it. It strings out a whole stack of intelligent, sensitive people into chasing a mirage.

Anyway, since I started taking work seriously and making proper money life has been better. I would love to make art but I'd love a lot of things, meanwhile my kids need to eat.

I watched my friend go through a disastrous divorce, BPD wife, teen kids and the whole catastrophe. Fortunately he had built up a pretty substantial buffer by working like crazy the last 30 years. It meant he could basically drop everything to take care of things, most of the things being mentally unstable womenfolk, (wife, daughter and sister and niece) without going under financially.

Honestly, the guy is a complete fucking hero, although no-one will ever know. Everything would have been infinitely worse if he hadn't been able to do that, and continue doing it for like the last 2 years. I wouldn't have been able to, and part of the reason is that I farted around for a decade being an artist.

Seeing it made me realise what being responsible means, what being an adult is.

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Apr 25Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

"No work of art can compare to the courage of a far-flung artist, travelling through the void, making sparks of life here and there, setting fire to this or that, and ultimately, just being. Being without fear. Without reservation."

Yes, I'm quoting you.

Good one baby.

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Apr 25Liked by Judson Stacy Vereen

Fellow artist here. Great read and I resonate with a lot of the thought process. It's a tough conundrum, but writing has also helped me shift the dial in thought process too. I'm much more entrepreneurial about my artwork now than I've ever been.

Book recommendation: Real Artists Don't Starve by Jeff Goins. Apt reading.

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Brilliant balance you found here, not falling into the typical extreme stances of either worshipping money or seeking the complete decline of the world's economy. Of course money is important with the way society has been structured, and attempts to restructure it to achieve some unreachable ideal would surely result in chaos.

But that said, obsession over money is not only unhealthy, it also causes us to overlook so much that life has to offer. And you're spot-on that learning to live without much of it sharpens us as people, and better prepares us for life's lean times, which are inevitable at one point or another for most of us.

Terrific as always, Jud.


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