Whenever one hears, "It's just..." the danger is present and real.

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So true!

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May 13Liked by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger

Superb! And shared!

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May 13Liked by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger

Doesn't this situation bring to mind Jordan Peterson's cautionary message?


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Yes! That tweet is so poignant. I have written about more madness from the social work profession. It’s endless!

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Some interesting perspectives, Pamela, including some of which I hadn't considered.

More thoughts on this and similar issues in my Substack article here:


Thanks for sharing. ZL

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I’m not a westerner nor do live in the US, so repeatedly continue to feel shocked despite the number of times I come across this ideology. However, I applaud your service to your fellow citizens in writing such sensible, logical and relatable points. I especially liked what you said about divorcing children from reality. I recall years ago working for a charity that promoted the importance of play for children, and all this ideology make me think of cosplay (which is a word others have appropriately used) and how that is the antithesis.

The benefits/values of play were described as including physical development, sociability and communication, cognitive thinking, incubating creativity, expressing emotions, nurturing concentration ability, problem solving, self-understanding, taking challenges, building self-confidence, etc. I think you’ve stated well why pronouns and their ideology seems to be for some other purpose.

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