There have been so few examples of "just war" in Earth's recent history, that I approach all claims with narrow-eyed skepticism. Too many times the claims are false and riddled with other agendas. I long for a time when no war is justified.

In this case I must agree you have made your case. Well done.

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Thanks Ed! I appreciate you taking the time to read it and echo your hope.

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It is unclear what Israel's goals/victory conditions even are. This prompted the resignation of one of Netanyahu's coalition partners: there is apparently still no plan for who will govern Gaza once military operations end. If this is true, it fails the just war condition of aiming to establish lasting peace / probability of success: how can Israel succeed without knowing what success is?

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Unconditional surrender is an acceptable goal but the lasting peace condition is a difficult one. However, if we look back on WWII, a plan for Germany and Japan only came about as the war drew to a close. I'd argue that a lasting peace with Hamas is not possible which begs the question, "a lasting peace with who?"

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I think Israel's fundamental goal has been clear and simply stated from the beginning of its response to the October attack: The relentless efforts of the Gazan terrorists must be stopped as permanently as possible.

I read elsewhere that Gantz felt he had no influence in the war cabinet, leading to his demands and resignation. Other wars in the last century have generally been between states and were fought for control of territory; Hamas is aimed at Jew genocide and subjugation of people, making the current war very different.

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Jun 10
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Thanks for reading K.E.

Yes, I believe that was Briahna Joy Gray. She was recently fired. I listened to her "debate" the pro-Palestinian/Hamas side. I'd say she's an absolute loon but unfortunately she's just another run of the mill progressive.

In The Yiddish Policemen's Union (murder mystery), a novel by Michael Chabon, Jewish refugees live in the Federal District of Sitka (Alaska). I really enjoyed the book.

There have also been a several other suggested locations for a Jewish homeland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_a_Jewish_state

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