Good job Johnny. I work in healthcare too, non-clinical. We had to get the shot too. I’ve been working remote since March 2020. I got it because I have a wife and daughter with a hereditary heart condition and a mother in law who we care for that if she got Covid would not have survived it. Looking back on it it’s not the first “experimental” shot I received from the government. I’m a veteran. We’ll just leave it there. It was mandatory and I was the analyst that tracked vaccination status and exemptions for our employees. I have an interesting story on underreporting of people being let go for not being vaccinated. I believe managers used different reasons to try and hide it so a good employee wasn’t penalized for not getting the jab. Anyway I’m planning to do what you did with multiple income streams too. If you’ve got any advice, I’m willing to listen.

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Bill thank you so much for reading! Unfortunately healthcare is incredibly political as you well know.

As far as starting multiple income streams goes, you need to answer, "What am I good at?" "What do I enjoy?" When do I need new income?" "Why do I want multiple income streams? "What roadblocks preventing me from getting new income?"

There are certainly more questions to answer but these can help start the ball rolling!

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