I noticed you failed to capitalize B for black people. How dare you, you have demeaned an entire race of superiors. 😎

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Interesting stuff, takes some of the premises of your previous articles to the next level. If you're interested in sharing any thoughts directly, I'd like to hear from you. Would appreciate your takes on some of my work. You can email me at ZepharethLedbetter@gmail.com. ZL

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Dupont Lajoie

An excellent analysis, well-argued & accurate. Thank you.

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When very rich and very famous black athletes demonize the industry that pays them so well because it is often run by men of European descent, I wonder if they apply their logic to other men exploited for their labor. LA is full of fancy houses with throngs of men working on them. They are almost all of Latino heritage, often first-generation. Construction wrecks the body, and I assume these men don't wish it for their sons. Do these wealthy men, in hiring other men to enrich their homes and lives, take a knee to honor them? The same principle holds for women who whine about the entertainment's unfairness to women (it seems to me unfair to almost everyone) because it does not fully represent our numbers. These same women don't complain that there are very few women in plumbing, sanitation, etc.

You write on this topic so well and in an even hand. There are some interesting observations by the Neo-Marxists, unfortunately, their solutions are always dreadful.

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