Anyone interested in learning greater detail about this issue (sometimes tedious, perhaps, but gravely important) should check out Matt's book, Trapped By Political Desire. His knowledge about our Constitution is unparalleled, and he freely gives his time and efforts to helping others understand. Too many of us have strong opinions about our laws, while we haven't thoroughly researched our own Constitution to see how they actually apply. The discrepancy of what he calls "little implementation areas", and how they are abused by our elected officials, is both fascinating and frightening, and something with which we should all be familiar.

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Thanks, Zephareth, for the complimentary recommendation. Your kind words are greatly appreciated.

Patriots must square off against federal servants deviously extending their "Big Powers" that they are allowed for their "Little Implementation Areas" (DC, et al) instead directly into the "Big Implementation Area" (the whole country) where they are only directly allowed their "Little Powers" (their named powers).

Thankfully, they can only do this when we default upon our duty to guard against their falsely-extended actions, but we must be diligent and steadfast in our oversight.

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