Forgive me, I often find a need to repeat myself to different people on this platform. I admit I don't live in your country. But from what I've observed you are spending, or I should say wasting, gazillions of $ on overseas theatres of war because the US has already lost. The wokeness makes the country look weak and frankly a laughing stock of its adversaries. Can't vouch for 100% truth, but I've read there's not even though people who are signing up to the military, even former military families, as it has also gone woke.
Thanks, Karen. Many dark nights of the soul over the last several years. But the worm has been turning for some time now. (Nearly) every day brings another sign of sanity and hope. Stay strong!
Better keep your kid in a small private school, wouldn’t want the real world affecting them. Times change and people change with it. Women didn’t use to vote because they couldn’t. Women didn’t used to have bank accounts because they couldn’t. Women didn’t work outside the homes because they couldn’t. Denying the existence of change isn’t the answer.
On the contrary, the real world is affecting children. And it turns out the real world is messy, unprincipled, and often wrong. I respect the viewpoint that various Progressivist campaigns having to do with race and sex (among others) are "good." But calling change "progress" doesn't make it so. Many decent people disagree with that assessment, feel that they have a right to disagree with it, and, further, resist the imposition of these viewpoints by those with power and status and leverage.
Lying to children and telling them biology doesn't affect them is criminal, imo. Only one side is denying the real world and doing it by running roughshod over the existence of childhood innocence and parental rights, attacking the bodily Integrity of children.
Yes, that's my view. The Progressivist campaign seeks to impose idea onto reality, forcing reality to conform. Human biology is where the idea-rubber meets the reality-road.
It's a fight, to be sure. Standing up and speaking out; coalition building with other parents; running for school boards or helping others to do so. These are all important actions.
Yep. The slippery slope is, unfortunately, real. I wouldn't care so much if it weren't for the attack on kids and families; turns out kids and families are just one more turn on the slope.
Lol. It's a testament to your parenting that you have a kid who's so knowledgable about the sources of the contemporary cultural moment. Well done! ;) I assume you've looked at Rufo's recent book? He surveys a lot of the 20th century history that frames contemporary Progressivism.
Yikes, re an interview w Marcuse. I'll go ahead and recommend Rufo's book. While he's a firebrand, his book is startlingly even-keeled. The tone is balanced and fair. It's a good introduction and survey of many of these viewpoints--though it sounds like you may be far enough down the road that your past its being useful to you.
Forgive me, I often find a need to repeat myself to different people on this platform. I admit I don't live in your country. But from what I've observed you are spending, or I should say wasting, gazillions of $ on overseas theatres of war because the US has already lost. The wokeness makes the country look weak and frankly a laughing stock of its adversaries. Can't vouch for 100% truth, but I've read there's not even though people who are signing up to the military, even former military families, as it has also gone woke.
It is indeed a sad state of affairs.
I so appreciate your outlook. Often I border on despair, but I know hope is a vital element in this struggle.
Thanks, Karen. Many dark nights of the soul over the last several years. But the worm has been turning for some time now. (Nearly) every day brings another sign of sanity and hope. Stay strong!
Our biggest strength, I feel, is uniting with our differences. Sometimes we will disagree--but not on the dangers of gender medicine.
Well said, strong dad! 💪🏼
Thank you!!!
Better keep your kid in a small private school, wouldn’t want the real world affecting them. Times change and people change with it. Women didn’t use to vote because they couldn’t. Women didn’t used to have bank accounts because they couldn’t. Women didn’t work outside the homes because they couldn’t. Denying the existence of change isn’t the answer.
On the contrary, the real world is affecting children. And it turns out the real world is messy, unprincipled, and often wrong. I respect the viewpoint that various Progressivist campaigns having to do with race and sex (among others) are "good." But calling change "progress" doesn't make it so. Many decent people disagree with that assessment, feel that they have a right to disagree with it, and, further, resist the imposition of these viewpoints by those with power and status and leverage.
Lying to children and telling them biology doesn't affect them is criminal, imo. Only one side is denying the real world and doing it by running roughshod over the existence of childhood innocence and parental rights, attacking the bodily Integrity of children.
Yes, that's my view. The Progressivist campaign seeks to impose idea onto reality, forcing reality to conform. Human biology is where the idea-rubber meets the reality-road.
Fatherhood does tend to make one a 'dissident', as those of us who become fathers always end up with more 'skin in the game' so to speak.
Yep. Everything gets a whole lot realer.
It's a fight, to be sure. Standing up and speaking out; coalition building with other parents; running for school boards or helping others to do so. These are all important actions.
Yep. The slippery slope is, unfortunately, real. I wouldn't care so much if it weren't for the attack on kids and families; turns out kids and families are just one more turn on the slope.
Lol. It's a testament to your parenting that you have a kid who's so knowledgable about the sources of the contemporary cultural moment. Well done! ;) I assume you've looked at Rufo's recent book? He surveys a lot of the 20th century history that frames contemporary Progressivism.
Yikes, re an interview w Marcuse. I'll go ahead and recommend Rufo's book. While he's a firebrand, his book is startlingly even-keeled. The tone is balanced and fair. It's a good introduction and survey of many of these viewpoints--though it sounds like you may be far enough down the road that your past its being useful to you.