I must say you’ve put this in a very comprehensive fashion which I doubt many people think about. They may for e.g. instinctively feel it’s wrong, but you’ve actually demonstrated how that’s so on a number of levels. One doesn’t have to be trained in medicine to know that hormones are very tiny substances that have powerful effects on the body. Whether one is a child or an adult, they should not be prescribed without due consideration. In addition, sex hormones have their origin in the endocrine glands of brain, a developing brain in the case of a child. But it’s also true, as you say, that messing around with hormones may not allow for a normal commensurate emotional level development. All round, it’s insane. If I had to guess, I’d say people like Levine and Becerra are either fetishists themselves or receive some form of compensation for pushing these drugs/surgeries. It’s certainly not for the reasons they may claim.

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Dr. Robert (Rachel, lol-the ugliest Rachel I’ve ever seen — & he looks more like a Leah than a Rachel) Levine is Pennsylvania’s ‘gift’ to this administration and ‘transitioned’ after having a few children with his wife (& likely really fucked up their minds before he divorced her). He is a pediatric endocrinologist by training & who knows how many kids he messed up for life with his‘treatments’ & how many he referred on to mutilation, but I would be quite sure it was in the double, if not triple digits.

I would strongly suspect that he was also involved in sexual abuse of his patients.

He should have been sued into poverty and incarcerated for the damage that he caused, instead of being paid by my tax dollars!!!

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Becerra is very much a Judas & his act is without question in the gutless mold.

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It is disheartening that only 68% disapprove of butchering children. If a child has the maturity to consent to life-altering medication and surgeries (as officials increasingly push parents out of the way) then we should abolish the juvenile court system which is built on the immaturity of children. Laws protecting children from sex trafficking should be abolished as well if children say they agreed to it.

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Better we should take these physicians’ license away, sue them into bankruptcy & look real hard for evidence of child sexual abuse. The reality is that they don’t have the maturity nor the basic human biological knowledge to consent, making each and every treatment assault & any surgical intervention battery & the professionals (& I misuse the term here) should be tried & convicted of assault and battery or accessory to same with the most severe punishments possible.

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I keep searching for an alternate term...I often use clinician, for instance, but you're right, professional is a misnomer.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Faith Kuzma

WPATH internal emails document that they are aware of that, increasing their criminal culpability.

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