I spoke last weekend to a cop who works in Southern California who mentioned this horrifying plague on society. His experience with overdose calls and the growing number of Tranq addicts was one of a few reasons he sought out a training job in the force rather than to remain on patrol. He said that all the money in the world could never put a dent in the addiction epidemic. He recounted an OD call well before Tranq hit the streets in which a young addict had to be resuscitated with Narcan. Talking to the young man he learned this was "about the tenth time" he was administered Narcan. The officer stated emphatically that no amount of help, court ordered or otherwise, would lure the addicts away from their lifestyle and that it is extremely rare that any would become clean and sober. Pretending that passing laws and/or pouring taxpayer dollars into programs to fight hardcore addiction are helping is just another lie we hear from the folks selling and profiting off them. It is only when the addict has decided on their own that they want to quit that it can happen. Even then the odds are stacked heavily against them.

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

I am sorry. why are we saving these people? is there anything salvageable in a person like this. will they be cured and write a symphony.. create grand art? be productive in any way? they use resources that could be used in other ways.. allow them their addiction until they no longer need it.. I see it as self limiting

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pollyanna.. of course there are reasons people are addicted to drugs ( we all "self medicate". that is a term that masks the problem). I would love even one example of a person who is addicted to this drug has done something to stop.. has stopped and is living a life of worth.. sadly I see these people .. they cause all sorts of problems.. and crime.. perpetrated on innocent people.. who are the real victims either by theft, assault and murder.. is one life of an innocent person worth the of a drug user who will go to any lengths to obtain the substance of choice..I say give them their drugs as much as they want..and let nature take its course

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