How about there is no "panic defense" for any crime? I really dislike the "hate crime" prosecutions. How about just prosecuting murder and other violence?

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While I don't think that anyone should be let off for violent crime, the fact that many "trans identifying" people rely on deception, and indeed seek it as a goal, because that's what "passing" is... seems overlooked here as a negative.

There IS a greater truth in reality (sex: male and female), and many "trans identifying" people, especially males trying to pass themselves off as females, intentionally take risk that put themselves at risk of violence (see how often "going stealth" is mentioned in their Reddit posts, and elsewhere, which means not informing a sexual partner that they are not the sex they are mimicking).

Again, this IN NO WAY justifies violence, but consent was a matter of frequent discussion in the #MeToo era, it's troubling that here it seems cool to gloss over the fact that some people in a group deny others the right to consent (especially dangerous when men are the ones being deceived, because THEIR sexual orientation is being disregarded).

I agree with the other commenter here, there's nothing "wrong speak" here. It's cheering for the regime.

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There isn’t a shred of wrong speak here, btw. You’re literally affirming the very Establishment-approved actions of a state government presiding over a steadily worsening state (who somehow finds time for this nonsense).

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Andrew Doyle recently did an interview and brought up the existence of “disgust” when it involves matters of sex.

I agree with another commentator about it not justifying violence.

However, I do believe it is a mitigating factor when a person is wanting and indeed expecting female genitalia in sexual encounters— which in and of itself is not hateful nor bigoted— reacts in an uncharacteristic way, which could be violent.

I tend to believe that this is a rare phenomenon, as so few people can actually pass as the opposite sex.

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You're right. If someone is about to be in a sexual situation with another person and they are a heterosexual male, and discover their soon-to-be partner is NOT female... there is the potential for a dangerous situation. A situation all brought about because the "trans" person did not respect the sexual orientation of other people: heterosexuals.

I'm sorry that it's hard to find a partner in that situation. I've read a study saying 90% of people will not consider a romantic relationship with a "trans" person. Perhaps this is relevant info to parents who are cheerleading for their children to "transition" (I use quotes because humans cannot change sex, the greater reality of sex is there, whether or not one is able to mimic the other sex's physical appearance). If your child is more likely to end up alone, or hit on by pervy chasers... maybe it's not a life path that will bring out the greatest long term satisfaction.

It's blamed on prejudice, but that also completely disregards the sexual orientations of other people being valid. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/inclusive-insight/201906/are-trans-people-excluded-the-world-dating

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And any that do panic will be now be more inclined to make it all go away forever.

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IMO, a male that seduces another male under the guise of being female commits a sexual assault.

Let’s level the playing field instead of stacking the deck.

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The panic defense is totally bogus, and I have no problem with it being legislated our of existence.

Trans that stealth and ate not honest are scum and deserve not being able to find partners.

Any male that might get stealthed and can't control himself and does something violent is an animal with no self control and gets what he deserves as far as a prison sentance.

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This will lead to gender dysphoria suffering trans people to attacking others, and then we cannot defend ourselves against it.

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