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Regardless if Fauci is guilty of negligence, malfeasance, bribery or whatever, the bigger issue is staring us in the face. Congress is pathetic.

Congress has delegated most of its responsibility and authority to the Executive branch, or rather, the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is now the fourth branch of our government. Agencies and programs are created to solve minor or nonexistent problems. Funding is supplied at creation to continue forever with annual increases for inflation. Congressional over-site is a joke; just say “I don’t recall.” they can’t prove you’re lying - ask Hillary. The DOJ and FBI are part of the bureaucracy, so there’s little chance of prosecution. It’s almost impossible to fire any bureaucrat; most are part of a union. So if they don’t agree with the White House, they simply ignore the President.

We are at a place now the Founding Fathers feared most. An unaccountable all-powerful government made up of unelected, faceless and nameless bureaucrats.

And most Americans don’t care as long as they get their benefits every month.

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