
This is fascinating!! I wanted to say the map for fluoride exposure looks very similar to the map of lead exposure, and I have always theorized that our high levels of autism in the American population had something to do with some type of exposure to a metal of some sort. (I have a BS of applied health science from Bowling Green State University)

I’m going to be buying a filter for our tap water!!!

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I believe that theory is mostly correct.

It’s an environmental bio-accumulation on multiple fronts. Essentially we are being poisoned through a “thousand cuts” to borrow a phrase.

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Filtering the fluoride from the water isn’t simple, either. It requires a reverse osmosis system.

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They make filters that work, but they are expensive. I had the berky fluoride filters but were stop working fairly quickly and were out of stock often.

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Feb 16Liked by Josh Walkos

Wow! I grew up in the 1960's, when fluoridation was still a hot-button issue. People objecting to it were mocked and vilified (remember the general in "Dr. Strangelove"?). Fluoridation--along with many chemicals, fertilizers, and additives--is not used in Europe, and as this article points out, they don't have a difference in cavity rates. It's impossible not to immediately think of the Covid vaccination and the (continuing) assurances from the government and the "experts" that it's completely safe. If skepticism makes me a conspiracy theorist, count me in!

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Thanks for the mention Josh.

Point 9 needs revision IMHO.

Swallowing Fluoride Provides Absolutely No Benefit to Teeth.

FAN and I disagree on the need to attack and destroy the Fluoride topical tooth treatment industry.

Microhardness studies show that Fluoride doped Hydroxyapatite (Tooth Enamel) is actually softer than undoped.

It also dissolves just as well in Coke and other acid drinks.

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Feb 17Liked by Josh Walkos

Makes me wonder if the fluoride is what's causing the autism, ADD, anxiety, depression and dementia numbers to skyrocket lately. It does act as an antidepressant. And shame on dentists that promote fluoride water, when they know that ingesting it actually worsens tooth decay.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Author

I think what is happening is a mass accumulation of environmental contamination. There are so many novel things we are exposed to over the last 100 years as a species and in more recent decades it has multiplied while our level of industry and governmental corruption has also multiplied. It all adds up to a seemingly invisible assault on the human race. The effects are manifest around us but the causes are ignored.

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Thank you for this amazing article! I am a dentist who awoke to the atrocities of fluoride over the past three years. One of my patients is an NTP researcher and she discussed the obstruction and suppression of her research with me. Had I not been awake to the COVID lies, I likely would have disregarded her concerns.

I dove into Bryson and Connett’s books and am now trying to awaken my patients to the harms of fluoride beyond water. I personally think toothpaste is far more dangerous as we brush for 2 min at least twice per day with the fastest route of absorption being sublingual and most people swallow about 10% of what they brush with.

You hit the nail on the head when suggesting that those most educated would turn the other way to this information. I serve a highly educated population and some of their responses to the harms of fluoride astound me. One pregnant woman, a pediatrician, said to me…but it prevents cavities 🙄.

The history of fluoride is so dark and twisted, I love the two you selected to write about in this piece. I am working on one about the relationship of Dr. Dean and Hodge. Dean being concerned about the safety of water fluoridation from his research but what pressures into silence. A few months later he changes his view, is awarded a government position and later becomes the ADA president. What a compliant scientist, toeing the narrative and being rewarded!

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Feb 17Liked by Josh Walkos

Oh definitely.

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Feb 16Liked by Josh Walkos

I really do hope that this takes traction and goes somewhere. It really needs to. Even if fluoride consumption affects a percentage of people less than 50%, it is still affecting people and is of no appreciable benefit for the rest. Our public water supply should not be a dumping ground of convenience for byproducts generated through manufacturing processes.

We do not drink public water, or most waters for that matter. I purchase our water by the 5-gallons at the grocery store. It is many tines filtered through reverse osmosis enduring that no fluoride remains. The hard part is avoiding exposure when bathing abd showering. Sure, you can buy filters but that costs an arm and a leg over time. The same goes for swimming. Chlorine in the water can be remedied using ascorbic acid - purchased in powder forn from a health store. Another arm & leg but no cure fir fluoridation.

So, just to be very clear about the way we are treated by the controllers:

1. Our public water is poisoned with fluoride & chlorine (and anything else not captured in waste processing).

2. Our foods are poisoned with numerous fertilizers, colorings, medicinal traces, fillers, various endocrine disrupted, and heavy with salts and sugars which are both addictive. Then there are the GMOs. Take a look at most food boxes in your pantry. You'll note that most are labeled as containing bio-engineered products. It's no wonder most countries do not allow the import of Anerican foods.

3. Our skies are constantly being bombarded with metals such as aluminum, barium, cadmium and more. They call it 'bioengineering', I call them chemtrails.

Virtually all body products contain poisons: parabins for one. Anti-perspirants contain aluminum which is known to cause alzheimers. Switch to regular deodorant. It has no aluminum!

Pharmaceuticals are loaded with poisons, metals, etc.

Plastic bottles contain BPAs, known endocrine disruptors.

Everything from pots coated with certain materials to clothing containing various toxins that are all absorbed into the body are equally as harmful.

It's really hard to believe that these controllers are not and have not been trying to kill us for many years. It is as plain as day considering the fact that they poison us in every way possible

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Agree with everything you write. A couple of points:

The problem is that to "prove" these things are poisoning and killing us, a long-term study is needed, which of course is nearly impossible (how do you get a control population?). Thus opponents of our point of view can point out--logically but insidiously--that there are no scientific studies backing up our claims.

As far as GMO's, it's my understanding that for sale in the U.S., food companies are NOT required to label them as such. Perhaps it's a state law?

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Yes absolutely, the case can be made that there have been no long term studies although, contrary to Pfeizer's claim that they had no clue of potential side effects, as it turned out, once documentation was ordered released by a federal judge, we learned that Pfeizer had 9 pages full from top to bottom with hundreds of known adverse side effects. And, there had been over 1200 deaths of trial participants that they kept quiet until the information was ordered to be released in the interest of the general public.So, there is that and that's a bit difficult to refute.

As for GMO, you are correct. I had actually submitted an inquiry with Winco regarding GMO foods, and I received a call from one of their managers who, during our conversation, informed me that food suppliers and distributors were soon not to be required to clearly place a 'contains gmo' labels on packaging/canning. That was late 2022 so I assume that took effect in 2023.

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Thank you for this information!

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You know, I am so sorry. I had just migrated over from another conversation pertaining to 'c19.' And while everything that I said here is true, it was regarding 'c19' injections and not the various items in this conversation.

Everything that I said about mo long term studies re: the shots is true. But Pfeizer did lie claiming either ignorance or 'safe & effective' all the while having trials in which 1200+ people died. And there are 9 full pages of adverse side effects. I was still in that gear when I migrated over here.

As for the items here, to my knowledge all of these things are very harmful to us whether it's aluminum which is known to play a role in alzheimers to BPAs & parabins which are endocrine disruptors. They've been quietly pushing all of this on and into us. I have seen videos over on Butchute, maybe Rumble, with detailed presentations on these, studies, etc. I will try & licate. If I do, I will post link.

It's always been that everything anyone complained about 'chemtraiks' all it took was one loud mouth to scream conspiracy theorist to shut it all down. At least today the government admits to it. But as I said, they call it 'bioengineering'. Right, gimme a beak! I wonder how long it might be before they tell us all about the radiation being transmitted through the air all around us, all the wifi equipment and smart devices in our hones. All of it is bad for us.

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I've had a keen interest in fluoride ever since i studied Human Nutrition at the University of Otago in NZ in the late 90's. I went on to become a Dietitian, and whilst i'll brush my teeth with fluoridated toothpaste, I distill my (fluoridated) local drinking water for myself and my family. My kids who were required to change from breastmilk to formula were absolutely never going to have it reconstituted with fluoridated water.

Yet i'm considered an outcast among most health professionals, a tin foil hat wearer for opposing the addition of fluoride to drinking water. The thing is, I don't mind having a differing opinion from my peers, from the government or the health department. I think it's important we have people who challenge the status quo. What kind of world would we live in if we all thought the same and simply believed everything we were told?

I think the majority of my peers simply cannot fathom standing out from the crowd, challenging the status quo, they don't have the capacity to review or look at information that might counter their pre-conceived ideas, what they're told is a fact, with the science being settled. A big dose of cognitive dissonance they may have.

Great article thank-you. I hadn't seen or watched that video with the CDC so I've learned something new today.

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You have a flow & rhythm that imparts information intelligently & San Francisco's Court venue is close by & one can only imagine the repercussions. I'm interested in The Decision & wonder if this will all be memory holed in the City By The Bay!

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