
I loved this article. I think personally that society needs religion. It’s something that people need, but that’s just my opinion.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Opposing Points

This is the question burning my mind every day. And more and more I'm starting to think the vacuum of no-religion will always be filled with something insidious and it's better to have religion, where the negatives are known and the structure is more rigid. The godlessness we have now is prone to constant change, which give it power to move people at will because they have no moral foundation. And when you can move people at will, that's a dangerous thing.

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I've pondered these things for a long time. I'm also agnostic, but believe that religious belief has an important place in moral society. Just never understood how some use God as the basis for good behavior - there are many positives which come with faith, but it shouldn't be necessary in order to be a good citizen. But I agree that shunning faith has led many too far in the opposite direction toward amorality, which is becoming a crisis. Great job. ZL

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People’ve evolved to find meaning in a community, be it family, church, meditation group, or a political movement. Whether the members find meaning and whether such meaning is about compassion and acceptance of others or hatred, righteous indignation and moral superiority, depends mostly on the leadership. Religious and secular leaders alike can teach tolerance or division. Keep trying to find your people - the community that makes you want to be a better, kinder, more genuine person.

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