Yeah well it’s kinda hard to do a Giuliani when you can’t even pull over drivers for having broken tail lights (in high crime areas where you’re likely to uncover illegal firearms) for fear of being labeled a “racist”.

If we can’t fish where the fish are, then there’s nothing else to be done.

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True. But the reason Giuliani was able to "do a Giuliani" was because he initiated those changes despite the slings and arrows, and since Bloomberg nobody else has been willing to call things out for what they are and support the police.

I mentioned in an older article:

"I don’t agree that the police are systemically racist, but I’m aware that racism exists.

"I don’t agree that the police are systemically brutal, but I’m aware that brutality exists.

"I believe criminals should be punished, but I still believe in redemption.

"I think if there are 10 buildings, each filled with one of 10 different races of people, and one in particular reports the majority of violent crime, then it would be a dereliction of duty for police to not focus more attention there, but I’m not a racial profiler."

I still believe all those things, deeply. Thanks for your thoughts, Evan. ZL

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This is why, as a totally evil and racist white man living in a 90% black neighborhood, I'll never vote for a white mayor. White people can almost always be made to cower and capitulate if you simply accuse them of being "racist". Effective policing (and subsequent prosecution) necessarily produces a Disparate Impact, as it impacts those who commit most of the crime. This of course tends to be in densely populated urban areas which are mostly black (where I live as well).

I voted recently in my city for mayor. I voted for the only mayoral candidate who promised to bring back an agressive "stop and frisk" policy. This has worked in the past (obviously). This candidate happens to be a black woman, and she is insulated from the hysterical shriekings of blue-haired catladies who seem to be firmly in charge of this country. She can't be cowed by such people, and that's why I voted for her. All other candidates basically repeated mantras fed to them by Ibram X. Kendi in hopes of being accepted by blacks - very many of whom actually share my views and can smell a phony from a mile away.

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