One of my favorite debates was between Christopher Hitchens and David Berlinksi, who is a secular Jew. Christopher made the same argument that Christianity killed millions. Somehow those who argue this skip the utter depravity of communism and fascism under Hitler inflicted. Berlinski finished his portion of the debate stating that he is often asked why he, as a secular Jew, argues on behalf of Christianity. His response was simple, 'it is a big tent and he believes he would be welcome there.' Former atheist and friend of Hitchens, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has converted to Christianity. I have gone back to the religion of my baptism but this time out of choice not habit. That the numbers are declining means that I am at Church with those who want to be there instead of forced obligation. I assume Rene Girard, the philosopher anthropologist, would approve.

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I thought Christianity's inconvenient truth was how many people it's murdered for having the "wrong" beliefs.

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No Christian denies that Christians have done bad things. But compared to Islam and Communism and Nazism( but I repeat myself), not even close.

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Very true.

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Holy Orthodoxy has an even better claim to the truth than the Roman Catholic Church.

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No, it doesn’t. Go back and look at what really precipitated the split in 1054. All kinds of political baloney.

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