I think they are already inside the wire. They’re just dressed nicer these days.

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Jan 10Liked by Coleman

Very interesting analysis of why empires fall. We do like to think we're at the top, but, sadly, the decline is inevitable.

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Ooof, what a portrait you paint here. Or is it more a landscape?

Congrats on the writing, Mr. Coleman-and a happy new year to you.

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And to you as well

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Jan 12Liked by Coleman

This piece resonated strongly with me. It’s easy to give up in times like these and think that the bastards will win. They might win, but they won’t last.

Keep writing!

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War on drugs should be ended by my estimate anyway.

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And we all know the answer......

Nobody with any caliber or value or any anything would waste their own time and lives bothering their fellow citizens for no reason whatsoever just to end up looking like the fools they are.

Wake up .

Learn how to do something. Lose your fear.

Get moving. Your insecurity.

By the way. Why are you so insecure?

You’ve been born and raised in the most well sought out country in the Universe.

And you want to continue on with the self hate and America is the worst. Not even realizing. How insane that is

Everyone looks on in astonishment around the globe .. Thinking...... if these people can’t manage a smile or a single thought of gratitude. They are fucked. This is as good as it gets Liberals. The 🇺🇸 USA.

You are here. No place better. Start liking it.

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Sorry Justin. I think I am still replying on your stack. I know. It’s not appropriate . I’m sorry.

This rant has nothing to do with you.

I just felt like I needed to say this. About everything in general

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I don't care.

Get your rant on. Go off. Curse. Bug-out. It's your Internet too. Do you unapologetically.

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And this is why I never doubt that we are all going to be ok in the beautiful country of ours.

Yeah. Substance is real. Knowledge is real. Experience is real. Confidence is real. Solution based thinking is real so is problem solving.

Real is so easy.

You ask yourself... why would anyone need everything to be fake?

It’s is what it is...? Doesn’t that make a lot of unnecessary work for yourself? Making everything the opposite of real?

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If being real was easy, everyone would do it.

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Ok. Suppose you find yourself in the middle of some weird Dystopia or utopia Whatever? And these people are seeming to be aggressive like wanna be terrorist.

And you take a look around.

And then you realize . That’s all they’ve got. Just wanna be types. Not even good at playing charades.

And then you start laughing at them.

Because We are all American. All of us are. And if you are an observer of people. You ask yourself ... Where did all the real Con men go. Or the REAL Manipulators in life. Malignant narcissist Whatever!? The talented ones.

What is this?

And why do they not have any idea What type of person could be Affected by it. And they continue to carry on.

Down the road on a fools errand. And They can’t stop.

This is not Mob Rule.

This to me seems like a way to rid every last troll and coward of whatever minuscule amount value they may have had.

It’s disgusting. I’ve watched it daily for years now.

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The real Con men, the REAL manipulators are all around, they didn't go anywhere. You can't see them because they're real. You can't be the best if you're ever seen.

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Covid revealed the crass ignorance of so-called experts whose academic credentials or standing didn’t make them any wiser. You’ve proved to me that wisdom cannot come from external teachings, but how one internalises their experiences in an expansive way. So kudos to you, sir.

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