Jun 5, 2023Liked by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger

Great piece of writing. This is what we need, and more of it.

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Thank you for your insights, and the strengths of your convictions. In my opinion, the language has become so convoluted so as to be meaningless… Even some claiming that "Women Don't Produce Eggs." https://everythingisbiology.substack.com/p/women-dont-produce-eggs ...go figure.

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"She had a new definition of woman: “A person who identifies as a woman."

Then being a woman is absolutely meaningless.

This bastardization of the language must stop. This is insanity.

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It only stands to reason. It would be a hell of a lot easier to control the population, if people were no longer interested in sex.

This also goes hand-in-hand with the whole Trans-human nonsense. It’s all a means to an end.

All of these “new” concepts are excuses to make people think that life will be great -- as a slave.

After all, you won’t have to think about anything anymore. You won’t have to worry about “getting the girl” because there won’t be any. You’ll just be a cog in the machine, and it will be great. Never mind that you can’t reproduce, or enjoy any of what life *really* has to offer. That’s not your place. Those “privileges” belong to the elite class, of which you are *not*.

Remember, you checked your human rights at the door. Welcome aboard.

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Mainly thanks to the pronoun IT, and the way it employs adjectives and forms plurals, English can work as a genderless language. But not French, par example, or Spanish, or Romanian. These languages cannot work outside the two genders. Each and every thing, including abstractions, must be either feminine or masculine. There is no way around it. In all of these profoundly gendered languages, even if you can invent new words to name people who don't want to be thought about as male or female, how do you apply adjectives to such people? How do you name them in the plural? In my mother tongue, Romanian, for instance, even some numerals have to follow the gender of the noun they refer to. If the likes of your instructor genuinely set out to transform mankind into a genderfluid species, they cannot avoid the necessity to kill a whole set of languages. Which would take a lot of time and murderous effort. The actual mother of this gender-crazy ideology is Communism, which also set out to transform mankind. And we could see the result. Still can, in various parts of the world.

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deletedJun 5, 2023Liked by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger
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Yes, I also took a class on brainspotting at this conference. It seems really effective. I got certified in EMDR bak in 2001, after 9/11. Brainspotting seems like a great alternative technique.

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