You bet - take care.

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Great article- thanks. Your dad sounds like a really decent guy; everyone has their flaws. I grew up without a dad and tell people rather bluntly, kids need a dad, regardless of their shortcomings. And I don’t have much patience for people who whine that their dad’s didn’t hug them enough, or treat them like a Hallmark commercial. I think your take is perfectly well said.

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Much appreciated. My Dad didn't butter me up with nonsense growing up in an attempt to shield me from adversity, but he gave me strength when it was needed. I feel blessed to have had him, even if it wasn't long enough, and I admire anyone who manages to grow into a decent and functioning adult despite not having had their father. Thanks Chris. ZL

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Why not celebrate his birthday how he would have celebrated it himself perhaps... Taking somethings out of his life to occupy your mind and heart as you remember him. At the end of the day, in tribute to your father, take a few tokes on a joint.

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Haha interesting, Elliot. Never been my thing, though.

Thanks for reading, and for your comments. ZL

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