Wonderfully expressed! Although I have grown somewhat fond of referring to the last few years as, The Great Covid Dumpster Fire™ it (finally) dawns on me that you are correct regarding the origin of the psychosis that now grips almost every official organization, nationwide. I recall thinking, "that's not going to stop terrorism" when I saw "enhanced security measures" propagate at airports across the nation. As a dyed-in-the-wool (nearly psychotic level) libertarian, I expected the DHS to be yet another boondoggle. All that said, I had not connected the dots between then and now. You have. Your apology, and the analysis and reflection that undergirds it, provides an object lesson for us all.

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Gratified that something I wrote should light up so brightly at your end, Wiltster. Many thanks for the kind note.

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Taking responsibility, apologizing, and changing your mind are beautiful things that humans should do more of. Kudos to you for this strong piece and blessings on your journey. We need to break others out of mass formation psychosis.

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Much appreciate the gracious note, Yuri. Re apologies: only sorry I waited this long...:)

Trying to remember what broke me out of my post-9/11 madness. The explanation might be akin to how most young college alcoholics mature out of their alcoholism over time with the assumption of more and more adult responsibility. Then again, I might have looked in the mirror one morning and realized that I'd become an agent of the state. Probably scared me straight.

Thanks again, Yuri.

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Also not sure we can talk anyone out of madness. I think people need to find the exit themselves because the exit may be different for everyone…

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I lost a friend because I wouldn't march against the Iraq War with her. I couldn't wrap my head around our government lying to get us into war. Ironically I smelled rot with the first war and was against the Afghan invasion. When I get angry seeing people still wearing masks knowing such conduct led to children being kept home instead of school, I think of my own willful blindness so long ago.

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I am contemplating starting some type of 12-Step Program for my seething anger in seeing some random stranger wearing a mask. I have not, as of yet, said to anyone, "What the absolute hell do you think that piece of random fabric is doing?!" Not yet. However, every time I see a mask, particularly on a younger person, the passion seizes me at the base of my snarglies. Every. Single. Time.

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Thank you, Wiltster. Loved your profile. Yes, the madness all around is nothing if not...well, maddening. The answers to the madness are all around you, all local. Most of them will make you smile...

Re Wiltster: My dad was a sports writer (primarily baseball). I remember watching Wilt Chamberlain play for the San Francisco Warriors back in the 1960s. Of course, I also watched Willie Mays play at the height of his talents. Unbelievable...

Keep smiling and many thanks for reaching out.

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It is tough. I vacillate between my Libertarian views that it is none of my business and my rage knowing that children's welfare was sacrificed. While Newsom clamors on about the need to conserve the environment - with very questionable strategies - the waste of our most precious resource, children, isn't even on the radar except for further exploitation.

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Thanks, K.E. Climate change -- like any other item on the Woke Agenda -- in the hands of ideologues is designed to divert our attention away from a top-down class war whose real objective is to steal our homes and children. Much appreciate your participation.

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Unfortunately, Americans do not put together the larger picture in time. Fear takes your mind offline and your higher cognitive functions stop working. People collectively were manipulated by these events through the use of fear and scarcity. This unfortunately, has become government policy. I learned this the hard way when joined the military after 911. I experienced the belly of the beast and the sophisticated lies told about weapons of mass destruction, yet as we see no one is ever held accountable. Billions spent, countries decimated when we went into Iraq and not Afghanistan. Many did not have this reference point when covid came along. But I saw immediately it was the 911 for our health, to be used to push control over our bodies and lives. We see this continue as the WHO is currently working toward a pandemic treaty being pushed by the US as we speak, it includes vaccine passports for travel, continued gain of function research & pathogen sharing, unending pathogen surveillance. The (uniparty) US government that already approved it without seeing the text in the 2022 NDAA. These events are straight out of the "The Shock Doctrine" which, has now become official government policy and we live in the collective madness of using psychology to push agenda's instead of seeking cooperation, consent, and using the collective genius of humanity to solve problems. Trump created the vaccine with the DOD and then Biden pushed it. Now we are trying to claw back rights that we willingly gave away under the guise of safety. Collective mass non compliance works but in order to get there humans need to see that the emperor has no clothes.

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Thanks, D, for the well-considered comment. Best places to see that the emperor has no clothes are also the best places to do something about it: at our own dinner tables, and in our own local communities. In the end, elite power doesn't care what we think; they want our homes and our children.

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I enjoyed reading this article; thank you, Jeff.

I’m also angry with myself for allowing a bullying government to persuade me to stay away from my children & grandchildren for so long during the Covid lockdown. The UK is as mad as you describe; lockdowns, vaccinations, surveillance cameras everywhere you look. And as for the war on terror- how can you wage war against a noun? It’s insane. Thanks for this. As Yuri says, taking responsibility, apologising & changing your mind takes courage. 🙏

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Thank you for the kind words, Liz. Don't be too hard on yourself. Now we know what tyranny looks like...

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