"These experiences often culminate in a search for a substitute for the family unit, which causes them to grasp things that appear to provide security and stability, such as government programs and social safety nets." No, what women are grasping these days is an education and a good career so they don't have to depend on the government, safety nets, or men that could leave them. Women don't want to be dependent anymore, not on a man or on a government program. Without feminism they would still be financially dependent on someone or something else, and they're never going back.
I enjoyed your writing. But I feel that the evil forces in our world had much more to do with the tearing apart of society, even creating the environment driving women to follow the path that they did.
All in all, I think that where we are today and where we've been can be summed by by one simple phrase: we gave God the boot in virtually every part of our lives and made even the very notion of speaking about Him, our Savior Jesus Christ and the Bible verboten in society. I'm certain thst a unified return would turn our world around in ways thst we cannot even begin to imagine.
Nice write up! I agree with much of what you've laid out but perhaps a slightly deeper dig would reveal that everything that is did not become as it is in grassroots fashion. No, for many years there have been numerous agendas at work, chiefly and most critical, the destruction of the nuclear family. It's no secret that a unified nation fully stocked with nuclear families is a nation that is virtually impossible to take down. But we live in Satan's world and we've been told that. Satan is referred to as both the god of this world (the lowercase 'g' is completely intentional) as well as the prince of the air. We live in Satan's world. And while we've been aware of this, it has only been in the past 4-5 years that we have really come grasp and understand what it means to live in Satan's world. Before, it was a concept in mind. Today, it has been fully revealed such that I personally can't do one thing in my day without having this continually foisted upon me in aby number of ways, be it symbolism, certain numbers or just the utter tearing apart of society that we see everyday, everywhere we go. I was born in 1980 and see kids do things today that never would have been accepted in the 1980s just as those born in the 1950s and 1960s saw kids my age doing things that never would have been accepted in the 1950s and 1960s. It really is a slow unraveling and ruining of humanity.
Back to the agendas and destruction of the nuclear family, where the evil forces, aka satan, was so successful is in getting their claws on the children. They had their claws on mom & dad, too - ie: propaganda, advertising, materialism, and secularism. In short, we've been under the control of a central bank that has happily tinkered with and manipulated our economy to achieve its own desired ends. This includes depressions, crashes and inflation. So much valueless cash has been injected into our economy resulting in high inflation but in decades past, to raise and have a family, where a father once could financially support his wife, two children, a home, a vehicle and all related expenses and mom could take care of home and the children, life became more costly such that moms had to begin going to work. The agendas even promoted women in the workplace which put both mom and dad away from home at work. This meant that children were now right where the controllers wanted them: in the hands of the state (public education), in daycare centers and others left to walk home or take a bus home. Children were then vulnerable to and indeed subjected to much propaganda, very key amongst so much more, secularism, the removal of God from public everything, the need to be offended by everything, specifically, the slightest hint to the concept of prayer and God. Later on, women were subjected to a movement of liberation, the 'need to be free', that divorce was in women's best interest and a new sexual revolution came along with it. In the 1940s, women were depicted in print advertising smoking cigarettes - this apparently was a concept that was said to make women more of a woman. I remember my late grandmother telling me about how her doctor encouraged her to begin smoking cigarettes as it would be a stress reducer for her (she worked for the county judge in their small hometown in the panhandle of Texas then).
Great article, I am now following you on here. So glad you pointed this out. I have witnessed and even experienced what feminism has done but not much is there for an alternative when there could be.
Today's feminism promotes that women (or those who identify as women) should be focused on carrier at the expense of marriage and family. Although we lament the loss of the Leave- It-To-Beaver ideal of family and home, we need to realize that there was a lot of dysfunctionality back then to how husbands treated their wives. Now culture has gone to the other extreme of careerism alone, with both men and women failing to grasp that having marriage and children is inaviodably difficult, it can bring a satisfaction to it that nothing else will.
"These experiences often culminate in a search for a substitute for the family unit, which causes them to grasp things that appear to provide security and stability, such as government programs and social safety nets." No, what women are grasping these days is an education and a good career so they don't have to depend on the government, safety nets, or men that could leave them. Women don't want to be dependent anymore, not on a man or on a government program. Without feminism they would still be financially dependent on someone or something else, and they're never going back.
Loved this. Well said.
I apologize- to close out my comment -
I enjoyed your writing. But I feel that the evil forces in our world had much more to do with the tearing apart of society, even creating the environment driving women to follow the path that they did.
All in all, I think that where we are today and where we've been can be summed by by one simple phrase: we gave God the boot in virtually every part of our lives and made even the very notion of speaking about Him, our Savior Jesus Christ and the Bible verboten in society. I'm certain thst a unified return would turn our world around in ways thst we cannot even begin to imagine.
Nice write up! I agree with much of what you've laid out but perhaps a slightly deeper dig would reveal that everything that is did not become as it is in grassroots fashion. No, for many years there have been numerous agendas at work, chiefly and most critical, the destruction of the nuclear family. It's no secret that a unified nation fully stocked with nuclear families is a nation that is virtually impossible to take down. But we live in Satan's world and we've been told that. Satan is referred to as both the god of this world (the lowercase 'g' is completely intentional) as well as the prince of the air. We live in Satan's world. And while we've been aware of this, it has only been in the past 4-5 years that we have really come grasp and understand what it means to live in Satan's world. Before, it was a concept in mind. Today, it has been fully revealed such that I personally can't do one thing in my day without having this continually foisted upon me in aby number of ways, be it symbolism, certain numbers or just the utter tearing apart of society that we see everyday, everywhere we go. I was born in 1980 and see kids do things today that never would have been accepted in the 1980s just as those born in the 1950s and 1960s saw kids my age doing things that never would have been accepted in the 1950s and 1960s. It really is a slow unraveling and ruining of humanity.
Back to the agendas and destruction of the nuclear family, where the evil forces, aka satan, was so successful is in getting their claws on the children. They had their claws on mom & dad, too - ie: propaganda, advertising, materialism, and secularism. In short, we've been under the control of a central bank that has happily tinkered with and manipulated our economy to achieve its own desired ends. This includes depressions, crashes and inflation. So much valueless cash has been injected into our economy resulting in high inflation but in decades past, to raise and have a family, where a father once could financially support his wife, two children, a home, a vehicle and all related expenses and mom could take care of home and the children, life became more costly such that moms had to begin going to work. The agendas even promoted women in the workplace which put both mom and dad away from home at work. This meant that children were now right where the controllers wanted them: in the hands of the state (public education), in daycare centers and others left to walk home or take a bus home. Children were then vulnerable to and indeed subjected to much propaganda, very key amongst so much more, secularism, the removal of God from public everything, the need to be offended by everything, specifically, the slightest hint to the concept of prayer and God. Later on, women were subjected to a movement of liberation, the 'need to be free', that divorce was in women's best interest and a new sexual revolution came along with it. In the 1940s, women were depicted in print advertising smoking cigarettes - this apparently was a concept that was said to make women more of a woman. I remember my late grandmother telling me about how her doctor encouraged her to begin smoking cigarettes as it would be a stress reducer for her (she worked for the county judge in their small hometown in the panhandle of Texas then).
Great article, I am now following you on here. So glad you pointed this out. I have witnessed and even experienced what feminism has done but not much is there for an alternative when there could be.
Today's feminism promotes that women (or those who identify as women) should be focused on carrier at the expense of marriage and family. Although we lament the loss of the Leave- It-To-Beaver ideal of family and home, we need to realize that there was a lot of dysfunctionality back then to how husbands treated their wives. Now culture has gone to the other extreme of careerism alone, with both men and women failing to grasp that having marriage and children is inaviodably difficult, it can bring a satisfaction to it that nothing else will.