Theoretically, socialism, and its kissing cousins communism, fascism, and globalism are packaged to sound good, but their practical application always ends up heavy-handed and brutal.
Originally, socialists stoked the fires of revolution by pitting economic classes against each other, now it includes anything and everything that divides people. In their dark, narrow-minded world there are evil oppressors, innocent victims, and righteous socialists (aka woke progressives). Today, we see this playing out on college campuses, tomorrow it will pop up somewhere else.
My assessment begins with four ideas from Marx’s Communist Manifesto. (1) Religion is the opioid of the people. (2) Marriage is legalized prostitution. (3) The working man has no country. (4) A desirable end can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.
History confirms that this call to arms has contributed to the oppression of billions of people, as well as the brutal demise of at least one hundred million of them in the twentieth century alone. By the way, these numbers will pale in comparison if globalism is ever fully implemented.
Current events confirm that modern social engineers are destroying public morality, longstanding conventions, the national economy, our border integrity, and every worthwhile institution by any means necessary.
Compound all of this with the explosion of artificial intelligence and there you have it; a formerly stable society ripe for the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the World Health Organization (WHO) great global reset (aka power grab).
There's more! An honest analysis of cause and effect supports the argument that big government programs always turn into boondoggles because legislators venture too far into the world of freebies, pork, and self-serving perks. We don't need any more bureaucratic monstrosities, and we certainly don't need a new world order run by global extremists. Instead, we should revisit the best practices from the old world order.
First, if you think God and religion are the opioid of the people, I suggest you put your head back in the sand. Otherwise, it's time to pick a team because you prayed, did your homework, and firmly believe your choice reflects the fullness of divinely revealed truth. Remember, we're talking about eternity here, not a Sunday afternoon ball game!
You're a fool if you think happiness can be found in inferior things like socialism or globalism. Religion hasn't been tried and failed; however, there are plenty of examples of it being secularized, bastardized, and scandalized for personal and partisan convenience (just like politics, education, and the economy).
Second, invest in marriage and children; stable families are the seedlings of civilization. Cultivate the garden by bringing love, fidelity, respect, fecundity, self-sacrifice, and prayer into your home. Also, vote for people with the courage to scrutinize loopholes and entitlements; as well as enact good family-affirming civil laws and tax laws that conform to, not destroy human nature.
Third, reject the reverse discrimination encouraged by diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and race-baiting propaganda like critical race theory (CRT). Ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and excellence are merit-driven. The working person is the engine that keeps our country running. Ensure the engine stays well-tuned by bringing honor, dedication, and fairness into the workplace. So far, we still have constitutional protections and enough civil laws on the books to deal with real racists, abusers, polluters, cheaters, and thieves.
Fourth, doggedly resist modern revolutionaries who are overtly and covertly trashing everything good, true, and beautiful about our country and its traditions. Shut down their absurd arguments with sound rebuttals; don't vote for them, don't support them financially, and certainly don't send your children to a school or university that pollutes minds with obscenities and poorly contextualized America-hating garbage disguised as critical thinking.
Lastly, It's not the Christian way or the American way, to cower and give up because the deck is being stacked against us. Stand your ground and refuse to swallow the “black pill” of hopelessness, because when all is said and done righteousness will prevail.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
Always enjoy your work, and I love this especially. I appreciate that you recognize fascism as a left wing ideology (and almost identical to progressivism) and that you acknowledge 1) how they are direct aggressors against Christianity and patriotism 2) how they benefit the elite at the expense of the many 3) how they are completely unable to reveal any truth, beauty, or offer any conditions for happiness. Christians and all other people of good will need to stand firmly, courageously, and with great confidence against this poison. They may have the high ground, but we have all the abundant evidence on our side. Keep up the good work, sir.
Great article, Larry.
More thoughts here:
Love how you call them "kissing cousins". Perfect.