“Trump is a threat to our democracy.” The left says this all the time. It’s part of their desire to scare us into believing all our rights as Americans will disappear if Trump is re-elected in November.
When you search the internet, you will find that “threats to democracy” are seen as recent waves of voter suppression laws across the United States that put minorities and other vulnerable populations at further risk and the online ecosystem, rife with misinformation and disinformation, that continue to sow distrust among our citizenry and threaten many of our democratic institutions.
I did a podcast in 2023 discussing voter suppression. This mantra is a continued attempt to scare black American voters. The left likes to share stories of a grandma who lives in the backwoods of Georgia and only goes to town once a month to get supplies. It’s a 60-mile trip uphill both ways. When she gets to town to get her ID, the DMV is closed or has moved. All this is done on purpose to keep her from getting her ID.
The left also implies that minorities and other vulnerable populations aren’t smart enough to get some form of ID and because of their impoverished lives don’t have the needed documents to get an ID. In most states, voters need some form of ID that has their picture and their signature. No one is going out of their way to suppress anyone’s ability to vote. The intent of the changes to laws concerning voting, including having the proper ID is to ensure voter integrity.
According to the left, the biggest threat to democracy is taking away a woman’s right to kill her unborn baby. The Dobbs decision in the Supreme Court that overturned Roe v Wade was the beginning of the end for a woman’s right to reproductive healthcare, which is code for abortion on demand. People who are upset about this matter fail to understand that this decision merely made the right to get an abortion a state issue. Most people are also unaware of the fact that, since the Dobbs decision, the rate of abortions in America has increased.
This same group of people get their news from a single source that daily presents propaganda and deceptions, that continue to sow distrust among the citizenry and threaten many of our democratic institutions. The social media and mainstream outlets work daily to present misinformation and disinformation.

We the people can no longer expect to get fair and unbiased news from any media outlet. The majority of what is broadcast are opinions fueled by the network's disdain for the political right or left. The majority of the major networks and social media platforms work hand in hand with the government to decide the news you will be allowed to view. The media and our government control the American agenda. We the people are the willing puppets in this mind-controlling effort. We are entertained daily by a woke agenda instead of waking up and actually searching for truth.
The truth I share with you today is that our mainstream and social media platforms are rife with misinformation and disinformation, that continue to sow distrust among our citizenry and threaten our democratic institutions.
Former President Nixon warned us about the power of the media elitist complex, and their ability to fabricate stories with no consequences. Any misinformation we ingest comes from our corrupt government and media propaganda machine.
The protection of the institutions that govern our nation is important.
Our executive branch is not a monarchy where candidates are selected by large unelected figureheads based on whose turn it is to run the country or who’s owed the office.
Our legislators must be held accountable for the wealth they create for themselves while many of the communities in their own states or districts wallow in poverty and hopelessness. Term limits should be implemented because the natural method of limiting terms, through elections, is not working.
The selection of Supreme Court Justices should not be based on ethnicity or gender but on the person’s ability to interpret the Constitution without inserting political bias.
The media should have the best interest of we the people in the forefront of their gathering and presentation of news and information. The news should be “just the facts” allowing us to develop an opinion on the matter presented.
The Biden administration has nothing of substance to run on so they will continue to push the negative narrative that Trump is a threat to democracy.
Americans are concerned about threats to their safety created by open borders and our government's inability to manage the situation. They are concerned about inflation and high energy costs. Parents are wondering why their children are not learning to read, write or do basic math, but are learning about sex and transitioning from a girl to a boy or vis versa. Families are concerned about threat of a third World War with China, Russia or nay of the bad actors in the middle East. People see the pussification of our military. We can’t attain the recruiting numbers we need to sustain a strong military, because our military leaders are focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
These all became concerns for America after Biden took office. It should be obvious; Biden is a threat to our democracy, the Constitution, and our wallets.
Please vote accordingly.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
Unless and until governors put the Feds back in the enumerated powers box, leviathan will continue to grow.
I just watched the Hodge Twins interview Terrence K Williams.
It was hilarious but they showed a clip of Biden claiming that Black people don’t know how to use computers or get on the internet 😂😂.
The man’s a joke. People that believe him need to research more.