Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Video: 'Virginity is a Social Construct'
The abortion giant’s latest video aimed at middle and high school students causes controversy.
On January 25th of this year, the country’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, released a video to 𝕏 that is intended to be used in middle and high school sex ed classes, and it’s truly something to behold. Reader’s discretion is advised here because the video uses graphic sexual language that we will be quoting in this article.
The video that caused the most ruckus is titled “What is Virginity?” and the narrator alleges that sex has no concrete definition, so virginity is essentially whatever the individual wants it to be. This, obviously, flies in the face of objective biological reality and even dictionary definitions, but keeping in the tone of our outlet, the 1984 connotations of redefining words cannot be ignored. We are watching “Newspeak” become a reality in real-time.
The woman in the video states, "Sex means different things to different people. Generally speaking, society tends to define sex in a very narrow way: penetration – penis-into-vagina." However, the narrator claims, this “traditional” definition is obsolete due to its lack of inclusivity.

She goes on to ask, "But where does that definition leave queer people? Or folks who can’t or don’t have penis-in-vagina sex, and choose to have oral, anal, or another type of sex instead?" Adding, "Sex is defined by one thing and one thing only. You."
The narrator then provided different examples of sexual activity that she argues are the same as traditional sex. "Maybe that’s being fingered for the first time. Maybe it’s having anal sex. Maybe it’s having your first orgasm. Maybe it’s masturbating for the first time, or when you enthusiastically consent to sex."
She concludes, "That’s the beauty of your sexual journey: You’re in charge and you can figure it out on your own terms. Choosing to have sex – when, what kind, where, and who with – is something that only you get to define."
Notice, though, the statement at the end of her litany of sexual activities says “...or when you enthusiastically consent to sex.” She had just finished explaining that sex has no concrete definition, but then used the word in the conventionally defined sense. In traditionally Orwellian fashion, this would be referred to as “doublespeak” when a word simultaneously means contradictory things.
A full version of the video was posted to YouTube, which made the points about virginity being a social construct with too much importance placed on it by various human societies.
The Reaction
The video clip on 𝕏 was met with resistance in the comments section from popular conservative commentators like Allie Beth Stuckey, for instance. She explained what she believes is the reasoning behind the video:
"One fun thing progressives like to do is to pretend that concrete ideas - like sex and virginity, male and female - are abstract and flexible. The reason they’re doing that here is to trivialize sex. They want kids to think that sex is no bigger deal than making out so they’ll be more likely to do it. They want kids to think virginity isn’t real so they’ll never try to protect it.
And you know what they really want? They want kids to be sexualized at an early age so that they’ll be more likely to be both sexually confused and sexually promiscuous because people in both these categories a) make Planned Parenthood the big bucks and b) join the ranks of progressive activism."
Now, obviously, we cannot speak to Planned Parenthood’s motives and intent, but redefining words to suit specific agendas is somewhat alarming. You can read the comments themselves here.
So what do words like “virginity” and “sex” actually mean?
Probably the most respected and trusted dictionary in the world is the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. In 1831, brothers George and Charles Merriam of Springfield, Massachusetts opened a printing and bookselling operation, but it was renamed “Merriam-Webster” later to continue the work of Noah Webster and was incorporated in 1982. It has been in continuous operation ever since.
The definition of “virginity” is simply the “quality or state of being a virgin”, and the most common usage of “virgin” means “a person who has not had sexual intercourse.” So now we need to establish how “sexual intercourse” is defined, which is, in part, “heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis.”
Clearly, these terms do have concrete meaning, and Planned Parenthood is obfuscating that intentionally. For what purpose, again, we can’t say, but it is evident that they are doing it.
In the fuller YouTube video, the Planned Parenthood spokeswoman claims that virginity is a term that was “created simply to control and shame people – mainly women.” The video is part of a set of videos made in both English and Spanish and the “instructor” teaches in a classroom-like setting, with props that include a skeleton wearing a t-shirt that reads, “Sex Ed is Power,” and signs that say, “Virginity is a myth” and “Sex Defined by You.” She goes on to chastise society over the notion of “losing your virginity”
“What if instead of ‘losing’ something we reframe it as ‘gaining?’ Because the truth is when we make our own decision to become sexually active, we aren’t setting ourselves up to lose anything at all! We hope we are gaining things like intimacy, self-insight, pleasure, and empowerment.”
Encouraging minors to engage in sexual activities and intercourse is quite alarming, which is seemingly what is driving the controversy over the video.
Monica Cline, founder of It Takes a Family and former sex educator who was trained by Planned Parenthood and LGBTQ organizations, commented to CatholicVote that the videos typify the Planned Parenthood strategy of encouraging children and young teens to “explore” sexual behavior.
“Planned Parenthood trains their sex educators to expel parents from the crucial conversations about sex that they need to have with their kids,” Cline explained.
“This is how they secure their customer base. I was trained to talk about anything and everything to kids – some even younger than middle school – about explicit sexual content, exactly like these videos portray. That was in classrooms and conferences. Today, it’s even easier to bypass parents to get to their kids, encouraging them to “explore” their sexuality without boundaries, responsibilities, or even basic correct biology.”
In other videos in the series, the Planned Parenthood spokeswoman tells young students that once they decide to have sex, they should talk to their partner about “what you want, ask them what they want, and make sure you’re on the same page. That’s called consent! (And it’s sexy as hell!)” She even goes a step further and informs these school children (the target audience) that lube is “essential” to anal sex.
In a third video titled “How Do I Know if I’m Ready for Sex?”, she instructs children to:
“Think about what you want physically out of your experience. Remember – there are no wrong answers here! Do you want to have oral, vaginal, or anal sex – give, receive, or both? Are fingers on genitals okay? Do you have any no-touch zones? And beyond the physical part, what emotional needs do you need out of the experience? Do you want to be in a committed relationship before having sex? Does your partner want that? Are you okay with each other’s expectations? It’s a good idea to talk all this through before having sex.”
Parents, more than ever, need to be aware, engaged, and hands-on when it comes to their children’s education, particularly now in public schools.
Monica Cline puts it very succinctly:
“As a former sex educator trained by Planned Parenthood, I urge parents to have open and honest conversations with their children about intimacy. Because if they don’t, Planned Parenthood will.”
They simply learn an utterly false but ideologically aligned narrative and repeat it ad infinitum replete with slowly replacing previously known “facts” about the subject or issue at hand, with erroneously misleading utterrances such as “virginity is a social construct”, or “diversity is our strength”. Both statements are demonstrably idiotic, idiosyncratic Marxist derived balderdash. They drill the crap 💩 into young brains INSTEAD of READING, WRITING AND ARITHMETIC. Sorry to say we’ve reached the end of the charade. DO NOT ACQUIESCE. DO NOT COMPLY. ARGUE YOUR GROUND AND LEARN IT WELL!
Everything feels like a Monty Python sketch these days.